
Introduction of the Midnight Praises

起来吧, 光的儿女们啊 让, 我们来赞颂万军之主 。

Arise, O children of the Light, let us praise the Lord of Host.

愿他赐予我们, 灵魂的救赎 。

That He may grant us the salvation of our souls.

每当我们以肉身的样式站在, 你面前。

Whenever we stand before You in the flesh.

把困倦的沉睡从我们的头脑, 中赶走。

Cast away from our minds the slumber of sleep.

耶和华啊,求你使我们谨慎, 自制, 好让 我们能够懂得,如何在祷告的时候,站在你, 面前。

Grant us sobriety, O Lord, that we may know: How to stand before you: At time of prayer.

我们要将得当的赞颂献给你 并为我们诸多的罪孽求得宽 恕。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣 耀归于你。

And ascribe unto you: The befitting glorification: And win the forgiveness of our many sins. Glory be to you, O Lover of mankind.

看啊,耶和华的众仆人哪, 你们当赞颂耶和华。怜爱世 人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Behold, bless the Lord. All you servants of the Lord. Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind.

夜间在耶和华殿中侍候的 也就是 在 神的圣所院 中侍候 的仆人。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

You who stand in the house of the Lord; in the courts of house of the God: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind.

在夜间,圣徒们举起双手赞 颂耶和华。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

By night, lift up your hands, O you saints and bless the Lord. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

创造天地的耶和华,从锡安 赐福给你们。怜爱世人的主 啊,愿荣耀归于你。

The Lord bless you from Zion, who made heaven and earth. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿我的呼求达到你面前,耶和华啊,求你照着你的话语赐给我智慧。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let my cry come before You, O Lord. Give me understanding according to Your word. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿我的恳求到达你面前,求你照着你的应许拯救我。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let my supplication come before You, deliver me according to Your word. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿我轻轻地说出赞美你的话因为你的法规 教导了我。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

My lips shall utter praise, for You teach me your statutes. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


My tongue shall speak of Your words, for all You rcommandments are righteousness. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿你伸出手来帮助我,因为我选择了你的诫命 。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let Your hand become my help, for I have chosen Your precepts. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


I longed for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your Law is my delight. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿你的审判使我得救,让我的灵魂得以存活,我必将赞颂你。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let my soul live and it shall praise You, and let Your judgments he lp me. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

我曾像一只迷失的羔羊走入歧途,寻求你的仆人,但我没有忘记你的诫命 。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

I have gone astray, like a lost sheep, seek Your servant for I do not forget Your commandments. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿荣耀归于圣父圣子和圣灵 。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Glory be to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


Now and forever, and unto the age of all ages amen. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿荣耀归于圣父,圣子和圣灵,从今时直到永永远远,阿们。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Glory be to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto all ages, amen. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿荣耀归于你美善 又怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你的母亲童 贞女,和你所有的圣徒们。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Glory be to You, O Good One, the Lover of Mankind. Glory be to Your Mother the Virgin, and all Your saints. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


Glory be to You O only begotten One, O holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


Let God arise, and let all His enemies be scattered, an d let all that hate His holy name, flee from before His face. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


As for Your people, let them be blessed, a thousand thousand fold, and ten thousand ten thousand fold, doing Your will.


O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise.


Praise of the Resurrection

我们仰望基督的复活,并屈膝 敬拜我们的圣主耶稣基督,他是唯一没有罪的。

We look at the Resurrection of Christ and we worship the holy Jesus Christ our Lord, who alone is without sin.

基督啊,我们向你的十字架下 拜 ,并赞美和荣耀你的复活。

We bow down to Your Cross O Christ, and we praise and glorify Your Resurrection.


For You are our God, and we know none but You, and after You r name we are called.


Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

所有的信徒们啊让我们来向基督的复活 下 拜 ,看啊藉着他的十字架,从此喜乐来到了全世界。

Come all you believers let us bow down to the Resurrection of Christ. For behold through His Cross, joy has entered into the whole world.

让我们来不住 地赞颂 我们的主, 并荣耀他的复活 ,因为他 满 有 忍耐 ,又藉着他的死亡废除了死亡。

Let us bless the Lord continually, and glorify His Resurrection. For He was patient and destroyed death by His Death.


Now and forever and unto the age of all ages, Amen.

上帝之母啊各样的喜乐都与你相 配 。

All joy befits you O Mother of God.

因为藉着你,亚当回到了乐园 ,夏娃也 得到 了恩典,从而替代了她的忧伤。

For through you Adam returned to Paradise. And Eve gained grace to replace her sadness.


Through you she gained freedom once more, as well as eternal salvation.

还有我们 让我们 一起来赞美你 ,你就像是复活的宝藏 。

And we too let us glorify you as a treasure of the Resurrection.

向封闭的宝藏致敬 ,藉着你我们被赐予了生命。

"Hail to the sealed treasure through which we were given life.

向她致敬 是她向 生下了 基督 我们的神 ,藉着 他 的复活,我们被赐予了生命。

Hail to her who gave birth to Christ our God, who gave us life through His Resurrection.

主啊,你是当受赞颂的,请以你的公义来教导我 。

"Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

当众 天军们,看到你在死人当中,他们全都惊呆了。

The angelic hosts were amazed when they saw You counted among the dead.

救主啊, 你却因而废除了死亡的权势 。

Yet You destroyed the power of death O Savior.

你使 亚当从阴间解放出来,并与你一同 复活 ,主啊,你是当受赞颂的,请以你的公义来教导我。

You raised Adam with You and freed him from Hades. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

主的跟随者们啊,你们为什么配制香膏,又彼此 哭泣和哀痛?

Why did you mix fragrant oil weeping and mourning with each other, O followers of the Lord?

发光的天使对拿着香料的 妇女们说

The luminous angel said to the women carrying the spices,

“看啊,要知道那位救主已经从死里复活了。” 主啊,你是当受赞颂的, 请以你的公义来教导我 。

Look and be aware that the Savior has risen from the dead. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

一大清早,妇女们带着香膏一边哭泣,一边 匆匆忙忙地赶到坟墓那里 。

The women rushed very early to Your tomb, carrying fragrant oil while crying.


But the angel stood before them saying,

“哭泣的时候已经结束了,不要再哭了,快把复活的消息 传 给他的门徒们。” 主啊,你是当受赞颂的,请以你的公义来教导我 。

The time of weeping is over, do not weep, but preach the Resurrection to the Apostles. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

救主啊妇女们 带着香膏和香料 ,来到 了 你的坟墓那里。

The women came to Your tomb carrying fragrant oil and incense O Savior.

她们听到了天使对她们说“你们为什么在死人中寻找活人呢?”他 就是 神,已经从坟墓里复活了。愿荣耀归于圣父,圣子 和圣灵。

They heard the angel say to them, "Why do y ou seek the living among the dead." And He being God has risen from the tomb. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

我们屈膝敬拜圣父圣子和圣灵 本质同一 。

We worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in essence.

让我们与基路伯一起 宣告 说,“圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,万军之耶和华。”从今时直到永永远远,阿们。(重复三次)

And we proclaim with the Cherubim saying, "Holy, holy, holy are You O Lord." Now and forever and unto the age of all ages, Amen. [Three Times]

童贞女啊 是你生下了 生命的 赋予者,也是你 救 亚当 脱离 了 罪孽 。

You gave birth O Virgin to the Giver of life, and you saved Adam from sin.

你把喜乐带给了夏娃,从而替 代了她的忧伤,又赐给了我们生命,救 我们脱离了 衰朽和改变。

You gave joy to Eve instead of sorrow, and granted us life and salvation from corruption and alteration.

在籍着 你道成肉身的 我们救主神面前 ,你 成为了我们的代求者 。

You became our intercessor before God our Savior, who was incarnate of you.


Amen Alleluia, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.


The First Hoos


Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord and spoke saying, "I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously."

他将战马和骑马的投在海中。耶和华是我的力量 我的诗歌 也成了我的拯救 。

The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.


He is my God and I will glorify Him, my father´s God and I will exalt Him.

耶和华是战士,他的名是耶和华。法老的战车和 军队耶和华都已抛入海中。

The Lord is a Man of war, the Lord is His name. Pharaoh's chariots and his army He has cast into the sea.

他特选的官长都沉入红海之中 。

His chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea.


The depths have covered them; they sank to the bottom as a stone.


Your right hand O Lord has become glorious in power. Your right hand O Lord has dashed the enemy in pieces.

你以莫大的威荣,毁灭了 那些起来攻击你的人,你发出烈怒 ,把他们烧灭像烧 残株一样 。

And in the greatness of Your excellence, You have overthrown those who rose up against You, You sent forth Your wrath, it consumed them like stubble.

你鼻孔中的气一发,海水便聚起成堆,洪水直立 像堤坝深海中的水凝结了在一起。

And with the blast of Your nostrils the waters were gathered together, the flood stood upright like a wall, and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea.


The enemy said, "I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil, my lust shall be satisfied upon them, I will draw my sword and my hand shall destroy them."


You blew with Your wind, the sea covered them, they sank like lead in the mighty waters.


Who is like You O Lord among the gods? Who is like You, glorified in His saints, amazing in glory, performing wonders.


You stretched out Your right hand, the earth swallowed them. You in Your mercy have led forth the people whom You have redeemed, You have guided them in Your strength, to Your holy habitation.


The people will hear and be afraid, sorrow will take hold of the inhabitants of Pale stine.


Then the dukes of Edom will be amazed, the mighty men of Moab trembling will take hold of them.


All the inhabitants of Canaan will melt away, fear and dread will fall on them.


By the greatness of Your arm they will be as still as stone, till Your people pass over O Lord, till Your peo ple pass over whom You have purchased.


You will bring them in and plant them in the mountain of Your inheritance, in the place O Lord, which You have made for You to dwell in.

主啊就是你亲手所建立的圣所 耶和华必作王 直到永永远远 。

In Your sanctuary O Lord which Your hands have established, the Lord shall reign forever and ever.


For the horses of pharaoh went with his chariots and his horsemen into the sea.


And the Lord brought back the waters of the sea upon them, but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea.


And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with praises.


And Miriam answered them saying, "Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously."


The horse and its rider, He has thrown into the sea. "Let us sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously."


The First Hoos Lobsh

随着划 分 ,海 水 便 分 开了,那深海之中,就变成了 干地 。

With the split, the waters of the sea split, and the very deep, became a walkway.

阳光照射在了,那 深藏的陆地 ,从而走在了 那无人 践踏过的道路。

A hidden earth, was shone upon by the sun, and an untrodden road, was walked upon.


The flowing water, stood still, by a miraculous, act of wonder.


Pharaoh and his chariots, were drowned, and the children of Israel, crossed the sea.


And in front of them was, Moses the prophet praising, until he brought them, to the wilderness of Sinai.

那时他们唱了这首新歌 赞美神 ,说 我们要向耶和华歌唱,因为他已荣耀地获胜。

And they were praising God, with this new psalmody, saying "Let us sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously."

藉着大先知摩西的祈求主啊, 求你 赐予 我们, 罪的赦免 。

Through the prayers, of Moses the archprophet, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

藉着上帝之母 圣玛利亚的代求, 主啊, 求你赐予我们,罪的赦免。

Through the intercessions, of the Mother of God Saint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

基督啊我们屈膝 敬拜你,与你美善的圣父,和圣灵,因为你 已经 复活 了(或 来 到 了并 救赎了我们。

We wor ship You O Christ, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.


The Second Hoos


O give thanks to the Lord for He is good, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

你们要称谢万神之神啊,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

O give thanks to the God of gods, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

你们要称谢万主之主啊,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

O give thanks to the Lord of lords, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那独行大奇事的,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who alone does great wonders, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那用智慧造诸天的,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


To Him who stretched out the earth above the waters, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


To Him who made great lights, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


The sun to rule by day, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


The moon and stars to rule by night, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


To Him who smote Egypt in their firs tborn, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


And brought out Israel from among them, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他用大能的手和伸出来的臂膀领他们出来, 哈利路亚,他的慈爱永远长存。

With a strong hand and with a stretched out arm, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那分开红海的,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who divided the Red Sea into parts, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他领以色列人从海中经过,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

And made Israel to pass through the midst of it, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他把法老和他的军兵都推翻在红海里, 哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

But overthrew pharaoh and his hosts in the Red Sea, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那带领自己的百姓走过旷野的, 哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who led His people through the wilderness, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢让水从磐石中涌出的,哈利路亚, 哈利路亚,他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who retrieved water from a rock, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那击杀大君王的,哈利路亚 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who smote great kings, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他杀戮了强盛的君王,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

And slew famous kings, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他杀了亚摩利王西宏,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

Sihon the king of the Amorites, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


And Og the king of Bashan, Alleluia His mer cy endures forever.

他把他们的地赐给自己的百姓作产业, 哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

And gave their lands for a heritage, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


A heritage unto Israel His servant, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


Who remembered us in our low estate, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


And has redeemed us from our enemies, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


Who gives food to all flesh, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


O give thanks to the God of heaven, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

你们要称谢万主之主,因他是美善的, 哈利路亚,他的慈爱永远长存。

O give thanks to the Lord of lords for He is good, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


The Second Hoos Lobsh


Let us give thanks, to Christ our God, with David the prophet, and psalmist.

因为他,创造了诸天,和天上的万物, 又把地安定在众水之上 。

For He has made the heavens, and all its hosts, and established the earth, on the waters.


These two great stars, the sun and the moon, He has ma de to enlighten, the firmament.


He brought forth the winds, out of His treasure box, He breathed unto the trees, and they blossomed.


He caused the rain to fall, upon the face of the earth, and it sprouted, and gave its fruit.


He brought forth water, out of a rock, and gave it to His people, in the wilderness.

他照着他自己的形象,和他自己的样式,创 造了人 ,好让他赞美他。

He made man, in His image, and His likeness, that he may praise Him.

让我们来赞美他,尊崇 他的名,向他献上感谢,因他的慈爱永远长存。

Let us praise Him, and exalt His name, and give thanks to Him, His mercy endures forever.

藉着诗人大卫的祈求, 主啊,求你赐予我们, 罪的赦免 。

Through the prayers, of David the psalmist, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

藉着上帝之母 圣玛利亚的代求, 主啊, 求你赐予我们,罪的赦免。

Through the intercessions, of the Mother of God S aint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

藉着天上万军的代求, 主啊,求你赐予我们,罪的赦免。

Through the intercessions, of all the heavenly hosts, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

我们真心地赞颂你,与你美善的圣父和圣灵, 因为你 已经 复活了(或来 到 了) 并 救赎了我们。

Blessed are You indeed, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.


The Third Hoos

耶和华我们祖先的神是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂又 超越一切的尊崇直到永远。

Blessed are You O Lord God of our fathers, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你荣耀的圣名是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂 又超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed is Your holy name of Your glory, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你在你荣耀的圣殿里 是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂又超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You in the holy temple of Your glory, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalte d above all forever.

你坐在基路伯上洞悉深处是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂又 超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You who beholds the depths and sits upon the Cherubim, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你坐在你的国位上是当受称颂 的 还当受极大的赞颂 又超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You on the throne of Your kingdom, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你在天上的苍穹之中是当受称颂 的 还当受极大的赞颂又 超越 一切的 尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You in the firmament of heaven, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

耶和华所造的啊 你们当 称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you works of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

天啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O heaven, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

众天使们啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you angels of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

天上的众水啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you waters above the heaven, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

耶和华的众权势 们 啊 你们 当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you powers of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

太阳和月亮啊当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O sun and moon, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

天上的星辰啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you stars of heaven, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

雨和露啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you rain and dew, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

云和风啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you clouds and winds, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

所有的灵啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you spirits, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

火和热啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O fire and heat, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

寒和暑啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O cold and heat, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

露和风啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you dew and winds, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

夜晚和白昼啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you nights and days, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

光明和黑暗啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O light and darkness, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

冰霜和严寒啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O frost and cold, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

雪和冰啊当称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O snow and ice, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

闪电和乌云啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you lightnings and clouds, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

全地都当称颂 耶和华,赞美他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all the earth, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

山和丘啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you mountains and all hills, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

长在土里的啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you things that spring up on the earth, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

泉水啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you fountains, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

海洋和 江河 啊 你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you seas and rivers, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

鲸鱼和所有在水里游的水族啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you whales and all that moves in the waters, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

所有空中的飞鸟啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you birds of the sky, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

所有的野兽和牲畜 啊 你们当称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you wild beasts and cattle, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

世人都当称颂 屈膝 敬拜耶和华 ,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you sons of men, worship the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

以色列人啊当称颂 耶和华赞美他,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O Israel, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

耶和华的众祭司们啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you priests of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

耶和华的众仆人们啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you servants of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

公义的灵和魂啊你们当 称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you spirits and souls of the just, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

圣洁和谦卑的心啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you holy and humble of heart, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

哈拿尼雅、亚撒利雅 、 米沙利 和 但以 理 啊都当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O Hananiah Azariah Mishael and Daniel, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

敬拜耶和华我们祖先的神的啊, 你们当 称颂 耶和华 赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you who worship the Lord the God of our fathers, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.


Psali Watos for the Three Saintly Children

要歌颂那为我们被钉十字架,而被埋葬又从死里复活,践踏并废除了死亡的那一位,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

O sing unto Him who was crucified, buried and resurrected for us, who trampled and abolished death, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

让我们脱去旧人,并穿上豪华的新人 ,来亲近伟大慈爱又至高无上的那一位,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

Take off the old man, and put on the new and superior one, come closer to greatness of mercy, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

所有的基督徒们,祭司和执事们,你们当荣耀 我们的主,他是配得赞颂的,赞美他并尊崇 他超越一切。

All you Christian people, the priests and the deacons, glorify the Lord for He is worthy, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

被基督我们的神救起,脱离了魔鬼的三个孩子啊,来到我们当中 吧, 赞美他并 尊崇他超越一切。

Come to us O three children, whom Christ our God has lifted, and from the Devil has delivered, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

来到我们当中吧,哈拿尼雅为了 那 一切美好的赋予者你的神弥撒亚的缘故 ,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

For the sake of your God the Messiah, the Giver of all good things, come unto us O Hananiah, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

热心的亚撒利雅,无论早晨,中午还是夜晚,都赞颂圣三一的权能,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

O Azariah the zealot, morning and noon and the evening, glorify the power of the Trinity, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

米沙利,用欢喜的声音宣告说,看啊,我们的主 以马内利,现在就在我们当中,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

Behold Emmanuel [our Lord], is now in our midst O Mishael, proclaim with the voice of joy, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

赶快坚持不懈的聚会 吧 ,与祭司们一同传扬和称颂,耶和华的一切做工,赞美他并尊崇 他超越一切。

Gather now and persevere, and proclaim with the priests, bless the Lord all His works, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

耶和华亲手所造的众天使啊,和诸天都宣告神的荣耀,直到如今,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

The heavens declare the glory, of God until this day, O you angels whom He has made, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

太阳,月亮和星辰啊,以及所有耶和华的 众权势 们,都赞颂他的荣耀圣名,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

Now all you powers of the Lord, bless His honored name, O sun and moon and all the stars, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

另外还有雨和露,也来歌颂我们的救主,因为他是我们祖先的神, 赞美他并尊崇他超越一切。

And also you rain and dew, sing praises unto our Savior, for He is the God of our fathers, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

云和风啊, 与所有的灵和魂还有严寒 火焰和高温 一起来荣耀耶和华 吧, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Glorify the Lord O clouds and winds, together with the souls and the spirits, O you cold and fire and heat, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


You also nights and days, light and darkness and lightning, glorify the Lover of Mankind, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

树木和长在地上的,与所有在海里游动的,无论高山还是丛林,赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

You trees and all that springs on the earth, and all that moves in the sea, mountains and the forests, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

河流与海洋啊,都不住地赞颂,万王之王耶和华, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Praise without ceasing, the Lord the King of the kings, O you rivers and seas, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

我们还看见了,各样的飞鸟都歌颂称赞耶和华,让我们也来一起歌唱吧, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

And we also seeing them, let us s ay with all these things, bless the Lord all you birds, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

雪和冰啊,牲畜和野兽,都要赞颂万主之主, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

O snow and ice, cattle and wild beasts, bless the Lord of lords, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


Bless the Lord as befits Him, and not like the heretics, all you sons of men, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


O Israel offer before Him, honor and glory in a joyful voice, all you priests of Emmanuel, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

你们真神的众仆人义 人 的灵魂 谦卑又 慈善的人,赞美他并尊崇他超越一切。

You servants of the true God, the souls of the righteous, and the humble and the charitable, praise H im and exalt Him above all.


God my God is the One, who saved you from danger, O Sedrach Misach and Abednago, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

耶和华的义人们哪,以及所有他的创造物 赶快来吧赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Hurry with great haste, O you righteous of the Lord, and all the creatures He has made, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

把沉静和安宁永远地赐予我们吧,好让我们能够,欢欣喜乐地称颂, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Coolness and repose without ceasing, grant unto all of us, that we may joyfully proclaim, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

还有你卑微的仆人 萨尔基斯,求你叫他不被定罪,好让他也能 加入他们 称颂 说 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

And also Your poor servant Sarkis, make him without condemnation, that he may join all those and say, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


Greek Verses for the Three Saintly Children

我们的救主啊,因为 你的荣耀, 我们今天向你献上赞美诗; 为此 我们 献 上 供物 和 理性的敬拜; 亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅 和米沙利。

We therefore present an offering and rational worship, we send unto you this day psalmodies for Your glory O our Savior; Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

天使从天而降,为亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅,和米沙利止住了火焰,并使烈火冷却 了 下来,那时他们被救起 ,以他们的身体来领受荣耀。

When they were raised to take glory in their bodies, the angel came down, stopped the fire and became cool for Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

三个孩子在火窰里赞颂了耶和华,烈火没有胜过他们,因为耶和华的天使在他们当中;他拯救了他们,而没有让任何凶恶临到他们。 亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅,和米沙利。

They bless the Lord the three in the midst of the fiery furnace, and the fire did not overcome them for the angel of the Lord was in their midst; He saved them and he did not leave any evil to reach them. Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

当我们有份于他的神秘圣事之后,就宣告说:“ 圣 神,圣全能者,圣不朽者,你把恩典赐予了我们,”求你怜悯我们的无知。亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅,和米沙利。

Afterward, we partake from His holy mysteries, proclaiming and saying, "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, who gave us His grace", have compassion on our ignorance. Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

他们不住地 赞美和敬拜神。

They praise and bless God at all times.


Watos Hymns for the Three Saintly Children

我们以一颗全心全意的心来跟从你, 我们敬畏你,我们寻求你的容颜,神啊,求你不要让我们羞愧。

We follow You with all our hearts, and fear You, and we seek Your face, O God do not put us to shame

反而要以你的温柔 ,以你丰盛的慈爱对待我们,主啊,求你救助我们。

But rather deal with us, according to Your meekness, and according to Your great mercy, O Lord help us.

我们的上 主啊 ,你就像是燔祭的羔羊和 肥牛, 愿我们的祷告能够到达你面前。

May our prayers ascend to You, O our Master, like burnt offer ings of lambs, and fat calves.


Do not forget the covenant, which You have made with our fathers, Abraham Isaac and Jacob, (Israel) Your saint.

天下万国,所有的支派和语言都 必称颂耶和华,赞美他并荣耀他,又尊崇他超越一切。

Bless the Lord all you nations, the tribes and all kinds of tongues, praise Him and glorify Him, and exalt Him above all forever.

请为我们向主祈求, 三个圣洁的孩子啊 沙得拉 米煞和 亚伯尼歌 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O three saintly children, Sedrach Misach and Abednego, that He may forgive us our sins.


The Commemoration of the Saints

请为我们向主代求,我们的夫人 上帝之母,我们救主的母亲玛利亚,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O the Lady of us all the Mother of God, Mary the Mother of our Savior, that He may forgive us our sins.


Intercede on our behalf, O holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel, that He may forgive us our sins.


Intercede on our behalf, O holy archangels, Raphael and So uriel, that He may forgive us our sins.


Intercede on our behalf, O holy archangels, Sedakiel Sarathiel and Ananiel, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,坐天使们啊,执政的和掌权的,基路伯和撒拉弗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O thrones dominions and powers, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,服侍 烈火的 四个无形无体的活物啊 ,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O four incorporeal beasts, the ministering flames of fire, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,二十四位祭司 ,真理的祭司啊,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O priests of the truth, the twenty four presbyters, that He may fo rgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,众天 军啊 和天上的众民, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O angelic hosts, and all the heavenly multitudes, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我们的领主先祖 族长 亚伯拉罕 、以撒和雅各 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my lords the fathers the patriarchs, Abraham Isaac and Jacob, that He may forgive usour sins.

请为我们向主祈求完美又公义的 义人以诺 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O perfect man, the righteous and just Enoch, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求提斯比人以利亚,和他的 弟子 以利沙, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Elijah the T ishbite, and Elisha his disciple, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求大先知摩西 以赛亚和耶利米 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Moses the archprophet, and Isaiah and Jeremiah, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求诗人大卫 以西结和丹尼尔 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O David the psalmist, Ezekiel and Daniel, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求安娜、约阿希姆和长者约瑟,义人约伯和尼克迪莫, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Joachim Anna and Joseph the elder, and the righteous Job Joseph and Nicodemus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求麦基洗德 和 亚伦 ,撒迦利亚和西面愿他 宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Melchizedek and Aaron, and Zacharias and Simeon, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求众先知们啊, 与公 义的和正直的人,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O choirs of the prophets, and all the righteous and the just, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主 代求,施洗的先锋,施洗者约翰,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O forerunner and bap tizer, John the Baptist, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主 代求,十四万四千,和独身禁欲的福音传道者,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O the hundred and forty four thousand, and the celibate evangelist, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们的前辈和使徒教父们,还有其他的门徒们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters and fathers the Apostles, and the rest of the Disciples, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,蒙受祝福的执事长,第一位殉道士司提反, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O blessed archdeacon, Stephen the first martyr, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,神的守望者,福音传道者使徒阿爸马可, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O beholder of God the Evangelist, Abba Mark the apostle, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,英勇 奋战的 殉道士,我的 领主 乔治王 子 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyr, my lord prince George, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,希欧多尔和希欧多尔, 利奥提 尤斯,和番尼卡洛斯, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Theodore and Theodore, Leontius and Panicharus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求费罗巴特尔 ·莫柯瑞尤斯,阿爸迈那和阿爸维克多尔, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Philopater Mercurius, and Abba Mina and Abba Victor, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,前辈 克劳迪亚斯 和 希欧多尔 阿爸伊思海润和阿爸以撒 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, master Claudius and Theodore, Abba Eschyron and Abba Isaac, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求巴西 里迪斯和艾 夫赛维 尤斯 玛卡瑞尤斯和费罗希尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Basilidis and Evsebius, Macarius and Philotheos, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸彼苏若和阿爸彼肖伊,阿爸伊西和他的姐姐赛克拉, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Pisura and Abba Epshoy, Abba Isi and his sister Thecla, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,英勇 奋战的 殉道士们啊,犹斯托斯,阿帕 利和希欧卡利亚 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Justus Apali and Theoklia, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求波斯人阿爸雅各 圣 赛格尤斯和 圣巴克斯, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Jacob the Persian, Saint Sergius and Saint Bacchus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,英勇 奋战的 殉道士们啊, 柯斯玛 和他的兄弟们,还有他们的母亲,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Cosmas his brothers and their mother, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸克尔 和他的兄弟约翰,芭芭拉,朱莉安娜和 迪米燕娜, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Kir and his brother John, and Barbara and Juliana and Demiana, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道士们 啊, 前辈阿帕提尔和他的 妹妹 伊瑞伊 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, master Apatir and his sister Iraee, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道 士们啊,朱利叶斯和与 他一 同 殉道的 烈士, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Julius and those who were with him, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道士 们啊,马瑞·帕哈拿姆和他的妹妹萨拉, 愿他宽恕 我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Mari Pahnam and his sister Sarah, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求主教阿爸赛瑞帕姆 ,普萨提和卡利尼克斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Sarapamon the bishop, Psate and Gallinikos, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道 士们啊,四十位萨巴斯特的圣徒们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, the forty saints of Sebaste, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,阿爸彼若和阿苏姆,约翰和西面,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord o n our behalf, Abba Piro and Athom, and John and Simeon, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道士们 啊,阿爸 彼肖伊 和他的知己彼得, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Abba Bishoy and his friend Peter, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,祭司阿爸艾柯洛哥,阿爸 艾 普 古和阿爸卡 夫, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Eklog the priest, and Abba Epgol and Abba Kav, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸约翰 ·海瑞 克里亚 ,前辈 彼法姆和彼斯特瓦若斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba John of Heraclia, master Piphamon and Pistavros, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,以西多尔和潘特里欧,索菲娅和欧夫米亚, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Isidore and Panteleon, Sophia and Euphemia, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,前辈阿爸诺伯和多罗迈尤斯,阿爸卡洛 宫和苏 赛 尼尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, master Apanoub and Ptolomeos, Apa Ekragon and Sousennius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求伟大的大祭司啊 ,阿 爸 彼得殉道士的封印, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O great high priest, Abba Peter seal of the martyrs, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,新的殉道士们 啊 彼斯特瓦若斯 和阿 撒尼尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O new martyrs, Pistavros and Arsenius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,高级祭司米迦勒 啊 ,和隐修士米迦勒, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Michael the hegumen, and Michael the monk, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求众殉道士 们啊,为了基督受苦 的人们 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O choirs of the martyrs, who suffered for the sake of Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们爱自己弟子的教父前辈们,阿爸安东尼和阿爸保罗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters the fathers who loved their children, Abba Antony and Abba Paul, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求三位圣 ▪玛卡瑞尤斯 ,和 他 们的 弟子们 十字架的担当者 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O three saints Macarii, and alltheir children the cross bearers, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我们的前辈教父高级祭司 阿爸约翰和阿爸丹尼尔 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters the fathers the hegumens, Abba John and Abba Daniel, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们爱自己弟子的教父前辈们, 阿爸 彼肖伊和阿爸保罗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our mas ters the fathers who loved their children, Abba Bishoy and Abba Paul, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我们圣洁的罗马教父 马 克 西莫斯和杜马帝尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our saintly Roman fathers, Maximus and Dometius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,四十九位殉道士们 啊 ,世海特的尊长们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O forty nine martyrs, the elders of Shiheet, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,刚强的阿爸摩西 啊 ,和约翰· 卡莫愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O strong saint Abba Moses, and John Kame, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,群体式隐修的阿爸巴胡米尤斯,和他的 弟子 希欧多尔, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Pachomius of the Koinonia, and Theodore his disciple, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求大隐修院院长阿爸史努达 和他的弟子 阿爸 唯撒, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Shenouda the archimandrite, and Abba Wisa his disciple, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,阿爸诺菲尔(圣 欧诺弗瑞尤斯)和阿爸卡洛斯,和我们的教父帕夫诺提尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Nopher (St. Onnophrius and Abba Karus, and our father Paphnutius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求基督 信仰 的自白者阿爸 撒母耳,犹斯托和他的 弟子 阿波罗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Samuel the confessor, and Justus and Apollo his disciples, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸阿波罗, 阿爸阿彼伯 ,和我们的教父 阿爸 彼吉米 ,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Apollo and Abba Apip, and our father Abba Pigimi, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸 艾夫克和阿爸艾河荣 ,阿爸胡尔和 阿爸费斯,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Evkin and Abba Ehron, Abba Hor and Abba Phis, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,阿爸帕苏玛和伊夫瑞姆,约翰和西面 ,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Parsouma and Ephraim, and John and Simeon, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,伊彼反尼尤斯和阿莫尼尤斯,阿史利 迪斯和 阿撒尼尤斯, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Epiphanius and Ammounios, and Arshillidis and Arsenius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们的前辈苦修主义的教父们,阿爸 亚伯拉罕 和乔治, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters the ascetic fathers, Abba Abra h am and George, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求使徒 的阿撒拿希尤斯 ,赛维若斯 和迪奥斯克若斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Athanasius the apostolic, Severus and Dioscorus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,巴西尔格里高利 和 我们的教父 阿爸西里尔, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Basil and Gregory, and our father Abba Cyril, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求在尼西亚为了信仰 聚集的三百一十八位 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, the three hundred and eighteen gathered, at Nicea for the faith, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求在君士坦丁堡的一百五十位 和 在以弗所 的两百位 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, the one hundred and fifty at Constantinople, and the two hundred at Ephesus, that He may fo rgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸 哈继德 和阿爸约翰,我们伟大的教父帕苏玛和阿爸 太基愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Hadid and Abba John, our great father Parsouma and Abba Teji , that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,高级祭司阿爸 亚伯拉罕 ,和我们的教父阿爸马可, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Abra h am the hegumen, and our father Abba Mark, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,众十字架的担当者啊,旷野中的成就者, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O choirs of the cross bearers, perfected in the wilderness, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我的君主康斯坦丁 ,和他的母亲海伦王后, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my lord king Constantine, and his mother queen Helen, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,睿智的贞女们啊,基督的新娘, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O wise virgin ladies, the brides of Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求以及当今 所有 的圣徒们 依照每个人的名字 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, the saints of this day, everyone according to his name, that He may forgive us our sins.

我们同样与诗人大卫一起赞颂你 ,“你是照着麦基洗德的等级做祭司,直到永永远远。”

Likewise we exalt you, with David the psalmist, "You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek."

请为我们向主祈求我们圣洁的 牧首爸爸,大祭司 教宗阿 爸 塔瓦卓尔斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our holy father the patriarch, Pope Abba (Tawadros) the high priest, that He may forgive us our sins.

如果有主教出席我们圣洁又公义的教父,(大教区)都主教 阿爸请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

If a Bishop is present: + Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O our holy and righteous father, Abba (...) the Bishop (Metropolitan), that He may forgive us our sins.




Midnight Doxology For The Virgin

纯洁无暇的童 贞女 啊 ,按所罗门所说的话, 你的 伟大就好比棕树 的高度。

Your greatness O Mary, the undefiled Virgin, is liked to the height of the palm tree, spoken of by Solomon.


Your are the spring of living water, that flows from Lebanon, for out of you sprang unto us, the grace of the Divinity.

从你童贞女的腹中生下了以马内利 他使我们成为了,天国的继承人。

You gave birth to Emmanuel, out of your virginal womb, and He has made us heirs , to the kingdom of heaven.

按照他 向 我们的先父 ,族长大卫王的应许,他来到了我们中间,并 成全了 我们。

According to the promise, He promised to our father, King David the Patriarch, He came and fulfilled to us.

向你 致敬 童贞女啊 你 是真正的女王。 向我们人类的夸傲 致敬 ,是你 为我们生下了以马内利。

Hail to you O Virgin, the very and true Queen. Hail to the pride of our race, who has borne to us Emmanuel.

我们信实的辩护者啊,我们恳 求你 在我们的 主耶稣面前,牢记我们,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

We ask you to remember us, O our faithful advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.


Archangel Michael Doxology

米迦勒是天军的首领 他 在众天 军 之中 居 首 位 常常在主面前 服事 。

Michael the head of the heavenly, he is the first, among the angelic hosts, serving before the Lord.

藉着伟大的天使长米迦勒的恳求 因此 神 赐予了我们,他的 慈悲与怜悯。

Wherefore God sends unto us, His mercy and His compassion, through the supplications of Michael, the great archangel.

藉着米迦勒的祈祷 收成的工作得以完全,因为他亲近神,常常为我们祈求。

The harvest is perfected, through the prayers of Michael, for he is near God, asking Him for us.

一切美好的尊荣,与完美的恩赐,都是从高天 之处 ,从光之父那里临到我们的。

All good honor, and every perfect gift, comes to us from on high, from the Father of Light.

让我们赞颂和荣耀,并 屈膝敬拜神圣的 和 本质同一 又直到永远 的,三位一体 。

Let us praise and glorify, and worship the holy, and coessential Trinity, who endures forever.

圣洁的天使长啊天军的首领 米迦勒 请 为我们代求愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Inter c ede on our behalf, O holy archangel, Michael the head of the heavenly, that He may forgive us our sins.


The Heavenly Orders Doxology

七位天使长,站在全能者的面前,不住地赞颂, 服事 那隐藏的奥秘。

Seven archangels, praising as they stand, before the Pantocrator, serving the hidden mystery.

米迦勒居第一位, 加百利居第二位 ,拉法耶居第三位作为 三位一体的 一个 象征 。

Michael is the first, Gabriel is the second, Raphael is the third, as a symbol of the Trinity.

圣洁伟大又发光的,苏瑞耶和赛达基耶,萨拉希耶和亚拿尼耶,为 被造 之物向他祈求。

Suriel Sedakiel, Sarathiel and Ananiel, the luminous the great and the holy, asking Him for the creation.

基路伯和撒拉弗 坐天使们和执政们的,还有掌权们的,以及无形无体的活物们,终日托举着神的 宝座 。

The Cherubim the Seraphim, the Thrones the Dominions and Powers, the four incorporeal creatures, carrying the throne of God.


The twenty four presbyters, in the Church of the firstborn, praising Him incessantly, proclaiming and saying.

主啊圣神啊 ,求你治愈病患,圣全能的啊,求你 让 已过 世的人 得安息。

Holy O God, the sick O Lord heal them, holy O Mighty, those who slept repose them.

圣不朽的啊,请赐福给你的产业,并把 你的怜悯与平安,赐给你的百姓作为堡垒。

Holy O Immortal, bless Your inheritance, and may Your mercy and Your peace, be a fortress unto Your people.

圣哉圣哉 圣哉 万军之耶和华 啊 天上和地下都充满了 你的荣耀和尊 贵。

Holy holy, holy O Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are full of, Your glory and Your honor.

当他们说“哈利路亚”时,天上的都跟着他们说 ,“圣哉阿们,哈利路亚,愿荣耀归于我们的神。”

And when they say "Alleluia", the heavenly follow them saying, "Holy Amen Alleluia, glory be to our God."

众天军们啊 ,和 所有天上的众民 请为我们代求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Intercede on our behalf, O angelic hosts, and all the heavenly multitudes, that He may forgive us our sins.


Apostles Doxology

我们的主耶稣基督拣选了他的使徒 他们分别为 彼得安得烈,约翰和雅各。

Our Lord Jesus Christ, has chosen His apostles, who are Peter and Andrew, and John and James.

腓力和马太,巴多罗迈和 多马 亚勒腓的儿子雅各 和 激进派的西门 。

Philip and Matthew, Bartholomew and Thomas, James the Son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Canaanite.

达太和 马提亚 ,保罗,马可和路加,还有其他跟从了,我们救主的门徒们。

Thaddaeus and Matthias, Paul Mark and Luke, and the rest of the disciples, who followed our Savior.


Matthias was chosen, instead of Judas, and was counted with the rest, who followed the Master.


Their voices went forth, onto the face of the whole earth, and their words have reached, the ends of the world.

我的前辈和使徒教父们 ,还有七十二 位 门徒们,请为我们向主祈求,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my masters and fathers the Apostles, and the seventy two disciples, that He may forgive us our sins.

圣马可 的颂歌

St. Mark Doxology

我们的教父马可啊 ,使徒和传道人 你是 神独生子的受难 和死亡的 见证 人 。

Our father Mark the Apostle, and the evangelist, the witness to the passion, of the only begotten God.

你来到了我们 的 身边 并 照亮了我们, 藉着你的福音书,使我们领悟了圣父,圣子和圣灵。

You have come and enlightened us, through your Gospel, and taught us the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

你带我们走出了黑暗并进入了光明 又以从天上降下来的,生命的粮滋养了我们。

You brought us out of the darkness, into the true Light, and nourished us with the Bread of life, that came down from heaven.


All the tribes of the e arth, were blessed through you, and your words have reached, the end of the world.

向你 致敬 殉道士啊 向传道人 致敬 向 神 的 守望 者 我们的教父 使徒马可 致敬 。

Hail to you O martyr, hail to the evangelist, hail to the apostle, our father mark the beholder of God.

请为我们向主祈求,神的守望者和福音传道者,我们的教父使 徒马可,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O beholder of God and evangelist, our father Mark the Apostle, that He may forgive us our sins.


St. George Doxology

圣乔治在 整整的七年里,每天都遭受着,七十位暴君的审判。

Saint George has completed, seven whole years, while he was judged daily, by seventy lawless kings.

他们无法改变他的意念也无法改变他的正信仰,还有他那对基督 王的伟大的爱。

They could not change his mind, nor his upright faith, nor his great love, for Christ the King.

他与大卫同声歌颂说道列国围困着我 我靠着耶和华的名 必要对他们施行报复。

He was singing with David, saying "All the nations encircled me, but with the name of my Lord Jesus, I took revenge upon them.

我的前辈乔治王 子 啊 你的尊荣是多么伟大 啊 因为在天上的耶路撒冷,有基督与你同欢喜。

Great is your honor, O my master prince George, for Christ rejoices with you, in the heavenly Jerusalem.

向你 致敬 殉道士 啊 向勇敢无畏的英雄 致敬 ,向英勇奋战的前辈,我的乔治王 子 致敬 。

Hail to you O martyr, hail to the courageous hero, hail to the struggle mantled, my master prince George.

英勇奋战的殉道士啊 我的前辈乔治王 子 请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyr, my master prince George, that He may forgive us our sins.

绍特彼的圣 希欧多尔的颂歌

St. Thedore of Shotep Doxology

我们的主耶稣基督曾向拿因寡妇的泪水,动了怜悯之心, 他使她的儿子复活了。

Our Lord Jesus Christ, was compassionate to the tears, of the widow of Nain, He raised her son.

希欧多尔将军啊住在 伊维黑托斯当地的,世世代代的百姓,都看到了你强大的力量。

Every generation of men, who lived in the land of Euchita, saw your great strength, O martyr Theodore.

当你束紧腰的时候 你杀掉了巨龙 就是孩子们的索命者,你救出了寡妇的儿子们。

At the time you girded your loins, and killed the dragon, the destroyer of young children, you rescued the wido w’s sons.

你藉着信作为盔甲,又以圣灵作为宝剑,从而击杀了撒旦, 穷凶极恶的巨龙。

You slew Satan, the great and evil dragon, through the breastplate of faith, and the sword of the Holy Spirit.

希欧多尔将军,你是 公义的奋斗者,又是勇猛的战士,和刚强的胜利者。

Theodore the General, the righteous struggler, the good fighter, and the strong victor.

在他身上他 应验了,先知所说的话,“你践踏了毒蛇,还有妖怪。”

He who upon him was fulfilled, the prophetic word, saying: “you trampled upon a serpent, and a basilisk.”

向殉道士 致敬 向勇敢无畏的英雄 致敬 ,向英勇奋战的希欧多尔将军 致敬 。

Hail to you, O martyr, hail to the courageous hero, hail to the struggle mantled, Theodore the General.

英勇奋战的殉道士啊,希欧多尔将军, 请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyr, Theodore the general, that He may forgive us our sins.


St. Thedore the Oriental Doxology


You are the victorious lion, in the midst of the wars, upon the screaming horse, O Theodorus the oriental.

你的声音一传出,野蛮人都被扑倒,还有 你 那些连魔鬼,都感到惧怕的仇敌们。

And when your voice came forth, the Barbarians fell, and your evil enemies, which are the devils feared.


You slaughtered the dragon, who was under the ladder, you completed your struggle, with unbending uprightness.

你与你的两个朋友利奥提尤斯和番尼卡洛斯, 的确是为了基督 而在火海里受的洗礼 。

You were truly baptized for the sake, of Christ in the lake of fire, with your two friends, Leontius and Panikarus.


Therefore David, joyfully honored you, saying "Gird your sword, upon your thigh O mighty one."

东方的希欧多尔 啊 利奥提尤斯和番尼卡洛斯, 请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Theodorus the oriental , and Leontius and Panikarus, that He may forgive us our sins.

圣安东尼 的颂歌

St. Antony Doxology

你们 当从心中驱除 所有邪恶的思想 和虚妄的概念那 会 使你的头脑变得昏暗 。

Take out from your hearts, the thoughts of evil, and the pretentious images, that darken the mind.

一起来思考与领悟,那关于我们蒙福的 教父 ,我伟大的尊长,阿爸安东尼的伟大奇事。

Comprehend with thought, of the great miracles, of our blessed father, my great lord Abba Antony.

他成了我们的导师,和救恩之港, 他欢欢喜喜的邀请你,进入永恒的生命。

This is he who became our guide, and harbor for salvation, he invited us with joy, to the eternal life.

他各样的 美德 如焚香 ,使 我们的灵魂 得了喜乐 ,如同在乐园之中,繁花盛开的香气。

The incense of his virtues, deligh ted our souls, like the blossomed aroma, in the Paradise.

让我们真心地坚定在 伟大安东尼的正 信仰 之 中,宣告并说道:

Let us truly be confirmed, in the upright faith, of the great Antony, proclaiming and saying.


I sought and I found, I asked and I was given, I knocked and I believed, that it will be opened to me.

向我们的教父安东尼隐修主义之光 致敬 ,向蒙基督所爱的,我们的教父阿爸保罗致敬 。

Hail to our father Antony, the light of monasticism, hail to our father Abba Paul, the beloved of Christ.

爱自己 弟子 们 的 ,前辈和教父啊,阿爸安东尼和阿爸保罗,请为我们向主祈求,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O my masters and fathers who loved their children, Abba Antony and Abba Paul, that He may forgive us our sins.

阿爸诺菲尔(圣 欧诺弗瑞尤斯) 的颂歌

Abba Nopher (St. Onnophrius) Doxology

那令人惊奇的事,就是这个义人的生活,蒙受基督拣选的,把神穿在身上的, 阿爸诺菲尔 。

Something amazing, that is the life this righteous man, the chosen of Christ, the Spirit bearer, Abba Nopher.

为了神的荣美的缘故, 他心甘情愿地接受了,被剥夺一切 ,在 世上的荣耀 。

He was stripped completely, of the glory of this world, for the sake the beauty of God, that which he had accepted inside of himself.

他宁愿选择加入在旷野之中的野兽 ,也不愿活在这虚妄,又 即将完结的世界 的住处 。

He chose to join, the wild animals in the wilderness more than the vain, mansions of this ending world.

他在灵里 顺从了,并在心里默想,那样他就必将过着,永远喜乐的生活。

He submitted in spirit, and thought in his heart, that he would live, the life of everlasting joy.

你的确是蒙福的,我们的教父 圣 ▪ 苦修者 ,爱真羔羊的人由圣灵运送的隐修士阿爸诺菲尔。

You are truly blessed, our father the saint the ascetic, the lover of the true Lamb, Abba Nopher anchorite.

我的前辈,由圣灵运送的隐修士 阿爸诺菲尔,请为我们向主祈求,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Ask the Lord on our behalf, my master, Abba Nopher the anchorite to forgive us our sins.


The Cross bearers Doxology

所有在 斗争之中 完全了他们的美德 又 同时忍受了 苦难与患难 的义者 他们是这世界不配有的。

All the just who perfected the struggle of their virtues while troubled and afflicted, the world not being worth of them.

他们在旷野、山洞与地洞之中四处漂泊,这些都是对他们 的 信仰与耐心的见证。

They wandered in the wilderness, the caves, and the holes of the earth, these witnesses to them for through their faith and patience.

让我们也 来追随他们奋斗的方式,好让我们能够仰望信仰的创始者和成终者,耶稣。

Let us chase after their struggle way that we may look to the author and finisher of the faith, Jesus.

请为我们向主祈求,在旷野之中得以完全的 十字架的担当者们啊, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O chorus of the Cross bearers who perfected in the wilderness that He may forgive us our sins.


Conclusion of Doxologies

永恒的童贞女, 上帝之母,我们所有人的 夫人 啊, 请从你 所在的最高 之 处 做 我们的守护者 。

Be a watch over us, from the highest where you are, O Lady of us all the Mother of God, the Ever virgin.

请向由你所生的,我们的救主祈求, 带走我们的苦难并赐予我们 从 他 而来 的平安 。

Ask of Him whom you have born, our good Savior, to take away our troubles, and grant us His peace.

向你 致敬 童贞女啊 你是真正的女王,向我们人类的夸耀 致敬 ,是你生下了以马内利。

Hail to you O Virgin, the very and true q ueen, hail to the pride of our race, who gave birth to Emmanuel.

我们信靠的辩护者啊,求你在我们的主耶稣基督 面前牢记我们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

We ask you to remember us, O our trusted advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

主啊求你治愈病患,并让 已过世的人 得安息,还有那些饱受苦难 的兄弟 们 ,求你帮助我们。

The sick heal them, those who slept O Lord repose them, and all of our brothers in distress, help us my Lord and all of them.

愿神赐福给 我们,并让我们来赞颂他的圣名,愿赞美他的话, 常 在我们的口中。

May God bless us, and let us bless His holy name, and may His praise continually be, always upon our mouths.

完美无瑕的圣三一,圣父,圣子和圣灵,是配得赞颂的,让 我们 来 敬拜 他 并荣耀他。

For blessed is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the perfect Trinity, we worship Him and glorify Him.


The Fourth Hoos


Praise the Lord from the heavens Alleluia. Praise Him in the heights.

他的众天使 啊,你们要赞美他,哈利路亚,他的众军啊,你们也要赞美他。

Praise Him all His angels Alleluia. Praise Him all His hosts.


Praise Him sun and moon Alleluia. Praise Him all you stars of light.

天上的诸天啊,你们要赞美他,哈利路亚,天上的 众 水啊,你们要赞美他。

Praise Him you heavens of heavens Alleluia. And you waters above the heavens.


Let them praise the name of the Lord Alleluia. For He commanded and they were created.

他下命令造成了它们,哈利路亚,他把它们立定,直到永永远远 。

He has ordered and they were created Alleluia. He has established them forever and ever.

他颁布了法令,永不废去,哈利路亚, 你们要从地上赞美耶和华。

He has made a decree which shall not pass away Alleluia. Praise the Lord from the earth.

巨龙和一切 深处的 哈利路亚,火和冰雹,雪和云雾,还有执行他命令的暴风雨。

You dragons and all the deeps Alleluia. Fire and hail, snow and clouds, stormy wind fulfilling His word.


Mountains and all hills Alleluia. Fruitful trees and all cedars.


Beasts and all cattle Alleluia. Creeping things and flying birds.

地上的君王和万族的百姓,哈利路亚,领袖和地上所有的审判官 。

Kings of the earth and all people Alleluia. Princes and all judges of the earth.

少男和少女,哈利路亚 ,老年人和 幼辈 。

Both young men and maidens Alleluia. Old men and younger.

让这一切都赞美耶和华的名,哈利路亚 ,因为独有他的名被尊崇。

Let them praise the name of the Lord Alleluia. For His name alone is exalted.

对他的 感恩在 天 上和 地 上哈利路亚 ,他使自己百姓的号角得以高举 。

His thanksgiving is in earth and heaven Alleluia. And He has exalted the horn of His people.

他是他所有圣徒的颂赞,哈利路亚,就是亲近他的以色列人 。

The praise of all His saints Alleluia. The children of Israel, a people near unto Him.

哈利路亚,哈利路亚 哈利路亚 。

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

诗篇 149

Psalm 149

你们要向耶和华唱新歌,哈利路亚 ,还要在圣徒的集会中赞美他。

Sing to the Lord a new song Alleluia. And His praise in the congregation of the saints.


Let Israel rejoice in his Maker Alleluia. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.


Let them praise His name in a chorus Alleluia. Let them sing praises unto Him with timbrel and harp.


For the Lord takes pleasure in His people Alleluia. He will raise the meek with salvation.

愿圣徒因所得的荣耀而夸耀哈利路亚,愿他们在床上 极其欢喜 。

Let the saints shall boast in glory Alleluia. And they shall greatly rejoice on their beds.

愿称赞神的话常在他们口中,哈利路亚,愿他们手里拿着双刃剑 。

Let the high praises of God be in their mouth Alleluia. And a two edged sword in their hands.


To execute vengeance on the nations Alleluia. And punishments on the people.


To bind their kings with chains Alleluia. And their nobles with fetters of iron.

要在他们身上施行记录在经上的审判,哈利路亚,这就是他所有圣徒的 荣耀 。

To execute on them the written judgment Alleluia. This glory have all His saints.


Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

诗篇 150

Psalm 150


Praise God in all His saints Alleluia.


Praise Him in the firmament of His power Alleluia.


Praise Him for His mighty acts Alleluia.


Praise Him according to the multitudes of His greatness Alleluia.

要以吹角声赞美他,哈利路亚 。

Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet Alleluia.

要鼓瑟弹琴赞美他,哈利路亚 。

Praise Him with psaltery and harp Alleluia.


Praise Him with timbrel and chorus Alleluia.

要弹奏丝弦的乐器和吹箫赞美他 ,哈利路亚。

Praise Him with strings and organs Alleluia.


Praise Him with pleasant sounding cymbals Alleluia.


Praise Him upon the cymbals of joy Alleluia.


Let every thing that has breath praise the name of the Lord our God Alleluia.


Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Alleluia.


Now and forever and unto the age of all ages Amen Alleluia.


Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory be to our God Alleluia.


Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory be to our God Alleluia.


Sunday Psali for the Virgin

满有权能的主啊,我凭着信,而 用尽全力 讲说, 关于你的伟大慈爱 。

I believe wherefore I spoke, with great strength, about Your great mercy, O Lord of powers.

我满有怜悯的主耶稣求你帮助我 来赞美我的 夫人,那新娘就是你的母亲。

Help me my Lord, Jesus the Compassionate, to glorify my Lady, Your Mother the bride.

事实上,这位童 贞女,充满了尊荣,又受到了极大的赞颂。

For truly, this Virgin, who is full of honor, was greatly exalted.


David spoke of her saying, "The Lord has chosen Zion, He came and dwelt in her, in order to save us."


This is Mary, who brought unto us, the eternal, freedom.

撒迦利亚 曾说过 那金灯台是用金手 而造成的。”

Zachariah has said, "The golden lampstand, which was made, with golden hands."


Isaiah said to us, with a joyful voice, that “She will give birth to, Emmanuel for us.”

这就是耶路撒冷 ,我们神的城, 还有 各列基陆伯,头顶的王位。

This is Jerusalem, the city of our God, the throne of all ranks, of the Cherubim.

以西结做了见证,并启示给了 我们,说:“我看见一扇门,面向东方。

Ezekiel has witnessed, and revealed this to us, saying "I saw a door, to the east.

救主经由其中进入,并 保持着原状,像从前一样 完全地 关闭着。

The Lord the Savior, entered into it, and it remained, thoroughly shut as before."

天下万国都以各自的语言向 上帝之母 ,弥赛亚的母亲颂歌。

All the nations sing, with different tongues, to the Theotokos, the Mother of the Messiah.

贞洁的玛利亚,是义人的喜乐,她的确是, 忠信者的喜乐。

Mary the chaste, the joy of the righteous, and truly she is the joy, of the faithful.


You are the tabernacle, and the ark, which Moses has made, with great honor.

超乎诸天之上,所有的想象,就是这施恩座的,神秘 之处。

Beyond all the thoughts, of the heavens, is this mysterious matter, of the mercy seat.

圣玛利亚啊,充满 了 荣耀 的啊,你贞洁 的荣耀 ,是多么的 伟大。

Great is the glory, of your virginity, O full of glory, O Saint Mary.

你就是贵重 的器皿,和灯台,盛满了福气的,精纯的金香炉。

The honored vessel, and the lampstand, the pure censer, full of blessings.

凡享有尊名的,无形无体的活物,都未能获得,你 至 福的 高度 。

All the high names, of the incorporeal, did not reach the height, of your blessedness.


You resemble the rod, of Aaron, which blossomed and budded, and produced its fruit.

你比基路伯,还当受到极大的称赞,又比和撒拉弗,还配得 尊崇 。

You are exceedingly exalted, more than the Cherubim, and honored more, than the Seraphim.

你生下了神的儿子 我们的神,正如荣耀神那样,我们荣耀他 并 屈膝 敬拜他。

The Son of God our God, you gave birth to, we glorify Him as God, and also worship Him.


He who abides in light, whom no one can approach , revealed His miracles, and you fed Him.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是 美丽的白鸽,充满了智慧的,耶稣基督的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the beautiful dove, full of wisdom, the Mother of Jesus Christ.

充满了 荣耀的 ,又 一身 纯洁的啊 ,我们将要用尽余生来赞美你。

For the rest of our days, we will praise you, O full of glory, and clothed with purity.

怜爱世人的主啊,请以耐心来善 待你的仆人,求你宽恕我们的罪,并接受我们。

Be patient O Lover of Man, with Your servant, and forgive us our sins, and accept us.


Sunday Psali for Jesus Christ

我从内心深处寻求你 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

I sought after You, from the depths of my heart, my Lord Jesus, help me.

为我解开所有罪的枷锁我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Loosen for me, all the bonds of sin, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

愿你帮助我那样我才能获救 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Be a help to me, so that You may save me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

愿你的美善迅速地 临 到我我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

May Your goodness, come speedily to me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

请以你翅膀下的隐蔽处 来荫蔽我, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Overshadow me, with the shadow of Your wings, my Lord Jesus, help me.

在六天之内你创造了 一切的 被造之 物, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

In six days You have made, all the creation, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

一天七次我都要赞美你的名 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Seven times everyday, I praise Your name, my Lord Jesus, help me.

一切的 被造之 物,都荣耀你的名, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

All the creation, glorifies Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

你是统治者,又是掌权者,我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Yours is the lordship, and the authority, my Lord Jesus, help me.

我的神啊,愿你能让我赶快得救, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Make haste O my God, so that You may save me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

天下万膝都在你面前 下拜我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Every knee, bows down before You, my Lord Jesus, help me.

所有不同 的语言 都一起来赞颂你的名 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

All the diverse tongues, together bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Turn away Your face, from all of my sins, my Lord Jesus, help me.

我的神啊求你涂抹我一切的过犯 我的主耶稣基督求你帮助我 。

Blot out O God, all my iniquities, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


You know my thoughts, and You search my depths, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你为我造一颗清洁的心我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Create in me, a clean heart, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Your Holy Spirit, do not take away from me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你侧耳倾听,赶快应许我,我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Incline Your ears, make haste and hear me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Set before me a law, in the way of Your justice, my Lord Jesus, help me.

我的神啊,你的国度才是永恒的国度, 我的主耶稣基督求你帮助我 。

Your kingdom O my God, is an eternal kingdom, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


You are the Son of God, I believe in You, my Lord Jesus, help me.

你担当了这世上的一切罪恶,求你怜悯我, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

You who carries the sins of the world, have mercy upon me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Forgive me the multitude, of my transgressions, my Lord Jesus, help me.

所有的灵魂,都一起来 赞颂你的名, 我的主耶稣基督求你帮助我 。

All of the souls , together bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

求你宽容我,不要急于毁灭我, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Have patience with me, do not hasten to destroy me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

一大清早,我就起来赞颂你的名, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Early in the morning, I will rise and bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

你的枷锁是甜蜜 的,你的担子是轻的, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Your yoke is sweet, and Your burden is light, my Lord Jesus, help me.

在拯救的日子里求你应许我 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

In the accepted time, hear me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

你的圣名,是多么的受人敬爱, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

O how beloved, is Your holy name, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你为我,驱散所有的魔鬼,我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Disperse away from me, all of the devils, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

求你在我里面,种下 你公义的 果 实 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Sow within me, the seed of Your righteousness, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你赐予我们真正的平安,并宽恕我们的罪, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Grant us Your true peace, and forgive us our sins, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

亚当日曲调的上帝之母 序曲

Intro duction of the Theotokeia (Leebon)

每当我们,聚在一起祷告的时候,就让我们 来赞颂 ,我们 主耶稣的名 。

And whenever we, gather for prayer, let us bless the name, of my Lord Jesus.

我的主耶稣我们赞美你求你 藉着你的名 来 拯救我们因为 我们 对你有 盼望 。

We bless You, O my Lord Jesus, deliver us through Your name, for we have hope in You.

让我们来赞美你与你美善的圣父和圣灵 因为你 已经复活了(或来 到 了) 并 救赎了我们。

That we may praise You, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.

愿荣耀归于圣父圣子和圣灵 从今时 直到永永远远,阿们。

Glory be to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto, the age of all ages Amen.


The Sunday Theotokeia


The First Part

在妇女之 中,蒙神赐福的啊,你被称为是公义的,第二间会幕。

You are called righteous, O blessed one, among women, the second tabernacle.


Which is called, the holy of holies, wherein are the tablets, of the covenant.

神用指头,把那 十诫,写在了 上面 。

Whereupon is, the ten commandments, these which are written, by the finger of God.


They have directed us, to the Iota, the name of salvation, of Jesus Christ.

他籍着你,道成了 肉身,没有任何改变, 又 成为了新约的中保。

Who was incarnate, of you without change, and became the Mediator, of a new covenant.


Through the shedding, of His holy Blood, He purified the faithful, to be a justified people

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God, the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

谁能表达出,那会幕的荣光就是摩西,在西奈山上所造成 的。

Who can speak of, the honor of the tabernacle, which Moses had made, on Mount Sinai.


He made it with glory, as commanded by the Lord, according to the patterns, shown unto him.

在那会幕里,亚伦和他的儿子们,事奉 了 天上事物的模型,和影子。

Therein Aaron, and his sons served, the example of the highest, in the shadow of the heavenly ones.


They likened it to you, O Virgin Mary, the true tabernacle, wherein dwelt God.


Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Second Part


The ark overlaid, roundabout with gold, that was made, with wood that would not decay.

那预先宣告的是,神的道 立约的记号,他成为 了 人,而没有分离。

It foretold the sign, of God the Word, who became man, without separation.

一个本性出来两个,一个是圣洁的神性,与圣父 本 质同一,并永不衰朽。

One nature out of two, a holy divinity, co essential with the Father, and incorruptible.

一个是圣洁的人性,按照神的安排, 受 生而非藉着人的后裔,与我们本质相同。

A holy humanity, begotten without seed, co essential with us, according to the Economy.

纯洁无暇的啊,他是从你腹中取出的,他使他与自己为一,作为一个 同一本性的 位格。

This which He has taken, from you O undefiled, He made one with Him, as a hypostasis.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


All the souls together, of the children of Israel, brought offering unto, the tabernacle of the Lord.


Gold and silver, and precious stone, purple and scarlet, and fine linen.


And they made an ark, of wood that would not decay, overlaid with gold, within and without.


You too O Virgin Mary, are clothed with the glory, of the divinity, within and without.


For you have brought, unto God your Son, many people, through your purity.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Third Part


The mercy seat, was overshadowed by, the forged Cherubim, from all sides.

那是神的道的一个 象征,纯洁无瑕的啊,他籍着你而道成 了 肉身,却没有任何改变。

Was a symbol of God the Word, who was incarnate, of you without change, O undefiled.


He became the purification, of our sins, and the forgiveness, of our iniquities.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The two golden Cherubim, continually covered, with their wings, the mercy seat.


Overshadowing, the place of the holy, of the holies, in the second tabernacle.


You too O Mary, thousands of thousands, and myriads of myriads, overshadow you.

赞颂他们的造物主,他是 藉着你的腹中 取了我们的样式,只是没有罪和 任何改变。

Praising their Creator, who was in your womb, and took our likeness, without sin or alteration.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Fourth Part

你就是那个,用精纯的 黄金造的罐子,有真正的吗哪, 藏在其中 。

You are the pot, made of pure gold, wherein was hidden, the true Manna.

那吗哪就是,生命的粮,从天而降, 让这世界得着生命 。

The Bread of life, which came down from heaven, and gave life, unto the world.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

你应当 被称 之 为 藏有吗哪的 金罐 子。

It befits you, to be called, the golden pot, where the manna was hidden.

那金罐子,放置在会幕里, 给以色列人,留作见证。

For that was kept, in the tabernacle, as a testimony, to the children of Israel.


Of the good things, that the Lord God, did unto them, in the wilderness of Sinai.


You too O Mary, have carried in your womb, the rational Manna, that came from the Father.


You bore Him without blemish, He gave unto us, His honored Body and Blood, and we lived forever.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Fifth Part


You are the lampstand, made of pure gold, carrying, the ever burning Lamp.


That is the unapproachable, Light of the world, that proceeds from, the unapproachable Light.

出于真神 而为 真神,他籍着你,道成了肉身,却没有任何改变。

The true God, out of true God, who was incarnate, of you without change.

籍着他的显现,他赐光照亮了 我们这些坐在黑暗,和死亡阴影 之 中的人。

By His appearing, He gave light to us, we who sit in the darkness, and in the shadow of death.

藉着他各项圣礼 的 契合 他引导 了 我们走 在 ,平安的道路 上 。

And He guided our feet, in the path of peace, through the communion, of His holy sacraments.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

装有真光的,金灯台啊,天上的各列 等级 ,都无法与你媲美。

All the ranks on high, cannot resemble you, O golden lampstand, that carries the true Light.

那是用精选的和精纯的, 黄金锻造而成 的 ,又被安置在会幕之中。

That was made of, pure and elect gold, and was placed in, the tabernacle.

他们拿来手工,打成的纯橄榄油, 为点灯所用,使灯日夜点着。

That was made, by the hands of men, who brought oil for its lamps, by day and by night.

童贞女玛利亚啊 安居在你腹中的 ,就是那 来到这世上照亮每个人 的光 。

He who dwells in your womb, O Virgin Mary, gives light to every man, who comes into the world.

你所生下的,就是公义的太阳,他 把我们从各样的 罪孽之中,解救了出来。

For He whom you have born, is the Sun of righteousness, and He has healed us, of all our sins.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Sixth Part


You are the censer, made of pure gold, carrying the blessed, and live coal.


That is taken, from the altar, to purge the sins, and take away the iniquities.

那就是神的道,籍着你 取 了肉身,并把自己作为焚香,献给了神 他的 父。

Which is God the Word, who took flesh from you, and offered Himself as incense, to God His Father.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


Wherefore truly, I do not err ,whenever I call you, the golden censer.

在至圣所前,那金香炉里,盛着特选的焚香, 奉上 了 献祭。

For therein, is offered, the choice incense, before the Holies.


Wherein God takes away, the sins of the people, through the burnt offerings, and the aroma of incense.

玛利亚啊你也是 腹中怀着那不可见的 ,圣父的道。

You too O Mary, have carried in your womb, the Invisible, Word of the Father.

为了我们人类得救, 他把自己作为 得蒙悦纳的 献祭,被钉 在 了十字架 之 上。

He who offered Himself, as an acceptable sacrifice, upon the Cross, for the salvation of our race.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

依照圣路加 的福音书

Gospel According to St. Luke

路加福音 2:29-32

Luke 2:29-32

圣哉 圣 哉 圣 哉 诵读的章节 是 来自于我们的导师 福音传道人 圣 路加的福音书 。

Holy, holy, holy, a chapter reading from the Gospel according to our teacher Saint Luke the Evangelist.

愿他的祝福与我们同在阿们 。

May his blessings be with us all. Amen.

主啊,现在可以照你的话,让你的奴仆平平安安地离去,因为我的眼睛已经看见你的救恩,就是你为万民预备的: 他是启示外邦人的光,是你子民以色列的荣耀。

Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples. A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

愿荣耀归于神直到永永远远 。阿们。

Glory be to God forever. Amen.

第七节向玛利亚 致敬

The Seventh Part Hail to you Mary

向玛利亚致敬 ,美丽的白鸽是 你 生下了,神的道。

Hail to you Mary, the beautiful dove, who gave birth to, God the Word.

你是从耶西的根下,开出来的,带着 馨香的 焚香之气的花 。

You are the flower, of incense, that has blossomed, from the root of Jesse.


The rod of Aaron, which blossomed, without planting or watering, resembles you.

没有藉着人的后裔, 你生下了 基督 我们 的 真神 ,还依然是童贞女。

O who gave birth to Christ, our true God, without the seed of man, and remained a virgin.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

圣玛利亚啊你被称为是公义的 ,第二间会幕,就是至圣所 的地方 。

You are called righteous, O Saint Mary, the second tabernacle, belonging to the holies.

那里存 放着 亚伦的杖 还有 那带着焚香之气的圣花。

Wherein is placed, the rod of Aaron, and the holy flower, of incense.

纯净的圣所啊, 义 者 的居所,你从内到外,都身披着纯洁。

You are clothed with purity, within and without, O pure tabernacle, the dwelling of the righteous.

在高处的万军,和众 义人 们,都 荣耀 你,和你的福分。

The hosts of the high standings, and the chorus of the just, glorify you, and your blessedness.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

第八 节 一天七次

The Eighth Part Seven times

我们每个人的神啊一天七次 我必 全心全意的, 赞颂你的名 。

Seven times every day, I praise Your name, with all my heart, O God of everyone.


I remembered Your name, and I was comforted, O King of the ages, and God of all gods.

为了拯救我们他道成了肉身 耶稣基督 我们的真神已经来 到 了 。

Jesus Christ our true God, who has come, for our salvation, was incarnate.

他藉着圣灵和纯洁的新娘玛利亚 道成了肉身 。

He was inca rnate, of the Holy Spirit, and of Mary, the pure bride.

把我们的忧伤与 苦难,化为 了 满心 的 欢喜,与 全然的喜乐。

And changed our sorrow, and all our troubles, to joy for our hearts, and total rejoicing.

让我们来屈膝 敬拜他,并歌颂他的母亲,童 贞女玛利亚,美丽的白鸽。

Let us worship Him, and sing about His Mother, the Virgin Mary, the beautiful dove.

让我们一起来以欢喜的声音 颂扬 说 向玛利亚 致敬你 是以马内利的母亲。

And let us all proclaim, with a voice of joy, saying hail to you Mary, the Mother of Emmanuel.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是我们先祖亚当的拯救 ,向……,你是避难所的母亲,向……,你是夏娃的欢喜,向……,你 是千秋万代的喜乐。

Hail to you Mary, the salvation of our father Adam, hail... the Mother of the Refuge, hail...the rejoicing of Eve, hail... the joy of all generations.

向玛利亚致敬 ,你是义人亚伯的欢喜,向……,你是真正的童贞女,向……,你 是诺亚的拯救,向……, 你 是贞洁 的又 未被玷污的。

Hail to you Mary, the joy of the righteous Abel, hail... the true Virgin, hail... the salvation of Noah , hail... the chaste and undefiled.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是亚伯拉罕的 恩典,向……,你是不朽的冠冕,向……,你是圣以撒的救赎,向……,你 是至圣者的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the grace of Abraham, hail... the unfading crown, hail... the redemption of St. Isaac, hail... the Mother of the Holy.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是雅各的喜乐 ,向……,你 是数不胜数的, 向……, 你是犹大的夸耀,向……,你 是上主的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the rejoicing of Jacob, hail... myriads of myriads, hail... the pride of Judah, hail... the Mother of the Master.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是摩西的说教 ,向 你是上主的母亲,向……,你是撒母耳的尊荣,向……,你 是以色 列的夸耀。

Hail to you Mary, the preaching of Moses, hail... the Mother of the Master, hail... the honor of Samuel, hail... the pride of Israel.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是义人约伯的坚定 ,向 你 是珍贵的宝石,向……, 你是爱子的母亲,向……,你 是大卫王的 女儿 。

Hail to you Mary, the steadfastness of Job the righteous, hail... the preci ous stone, hail... the Mother of the Beloved, hail... the daughter of King David.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是所罗门的 挚友,向……, 你 是义人的 高升,向……, 你 是 以赛亚的救赎,向……, 你 是 耶利米的康复。

Hail to you Mary, the friend of Solomon, hail... the exaltation of the just, hail... the redemption of Isaiah, hail... the healing of Jeremiah.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是 以西结的智慧,向……,你是但以理的恩典,向……,你是以利亚的权能,向……,你 是以利沙的恩典。

Hail to you Mary, the knowledge of Ezekiel, hail... the grace of Daniel, hail... the power of Elijah, hail... the grace of Elisha.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是 上帝之母 ,向……,你 是耶稣基督的母亲,向……, 你 是美丽的白鸽,向……, 你 是神儿子的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the Mother of God, hail... the Mother of Jesus Christ, hail... the beautiful dove, hail... the Mother of t he Son of God.

向玛利亚致敬 ,你 是所有先知们,共同所见证的,和预言的。

Hail to you Mary, who was witnessed by, all the prophets, and they said.

看啊神的道藉着你 取了肉身 ,在你里面,是一种无以言表的 合一 。

Behold God the Word, took flesh from you, in an indescribable.

充满了 恩典的啊,你的确是比,亚伦的杖,还当受赞颂。

You are truly exalted, more than the rod, of Aaron, O full of grace.

那杖是什么,就是玛利亚那是她 贞洁的象征。

What is the rod , but Mary , for it is the symbol, of her virginity.

她没有藉着人,受孕并生产,生下了至高者的儿子, 他 自己的道。

She conceived and gave birth, without a man, to the Son of the Highest, the Word Himself.

藉着她的祈祷和代求 主啊 请为我们敞 开教会的大门 。

Through her prayers, and intercessions, O Lord open unto us, the gates of the Church.

上帝之母啊 我恳求你 保守教会的大门 向忠信的人敞开 。

I entreat you, O Mother of God, keep the gates of the church, open to the faithful.

让我们来恳求她,在她的 爱子面前,为我们代求,愿他宽恕我们。

Let us ask her, to intercede for us, before her Beloved, that He may forgive us.

第 九 节

The Ninth Part

童贞女玛利亚啊,你被称为是 带着 焚香之气的圣花。

You are called, O Virgin Mary, the holy flower, of the incense.

就是那从 族长,和先知的根下,开出来的花。

Which came out, and blossomed, from the roots of th e patriarchs, and the prophets.

就像是祭司亚伦 ,那 支 开出花来, 又结出果实的杖。

Like the rod, of Aaron the priest, which blossomed, and brought forth fruit.

没有藉着人的后裔, 你生下了 道 ,因此没有败坏,你的贞洁。

For you gave birth to the Word, without the seed of man, and your virginity, was not corrupted.


Wherefore we magnify you, as the Mother of God, ask your Son, to forgive us.

第 十 节

The Tenth Part

充满了 恩典的啊,你比所有的圣徒,都配得,为我们代求。

You are more worthy, than all of the saints, to ask on our behalf, O full of grace.


You are exceedingly exalted, more than the patriarchs, and honored more, than the prophets.


And you have a seeking, more special, than the Cherubim, and the Seraphim.

你的确是我们人类的 夸耀也是我们灵魂的 代求者 。

For you are truly, the pride of our race, and the intercessor, of our souls.

请在我们 的 救主面前 为我们代求 愿他 使我们在 正直的 信仰中保持坚定。

Intercede for us, before our Savior, that He may keep us firm , in the upright.

为了 获得怜悯 ,我们 藉着你代求 愿他赐予我们 罪 孽的赦免 。

That He may grant us, the forgiveness of our sins, in order to win mercy, through your intercessions.

第 十一 节

The Eleventh Part

所有声名显赫的,无形无体的 活物 成千上万的天使和天使长们 。

All the high names, of the incorporeal, thousands of angels, and archangels.

身披万军之主的,荣耀的啊,他们都未能获得,你 崇高 的福 份 。

They did not attain, your high blessedness, O who is clothed in, the glory of the Lord of hosts.

你比太阳还耀眼 又比基路伯 ,还光芒闪烁。

You are more brighter, than the sun, and more sparkling, than the Cherubim.

就连六翼天使撒拉 弗,都欢欣喜乐的,旋绕在你的上方。

And the Seraphim, with the six wings, which are joyfully, hovering over you.

第 十 二 节

The Twelfth Part


Your glory O Mary, is higher than the heaven, you are more honored than the earth, and its inhabitants.

你的确是,带领我们,通往诸天 的,真正道路。

For you are truly, the real path, leading up, to the heavens.


You are clothed, with joy and gladness, and girdled with power, O daughter of Zion.


O who was clothed, with the garments of the heavenly, so that you covered Adam, with the garments of grace.

并使他重新回到 乐园 ,那个 充满喜乐的地方,所有义人的居所。

And restored him again, to the Paradise, the rejoicing place, and dwelling of the righteous.

第 十 三 节

The Thirteenth Part

童贞女玛利亚,就是那真正的会幕,有 信实可靠 的约版,安置在其中。

A true tabernacle, is Mary the Virgin, placed in its midst, the true testimonies.

那纯洁无污的约柜,四周包裹着黄金, 还有基路伯的,施恩座。

The undefiled ark, overlaid roundabout with gold, and the mercy seat, of the Cherubim.

那金罐里藏着吗哪,看啊圣父 的道,已经来到了,并藉着你取了肉身 。

The golden vessel, where the manna was hidden, behold the Word of the Father, came and took flesh from you.


The golden lampstand, carrying the true Light, who is the u napproachable, Light of the world.

那金香炉,装着烧红的炭,和富 有馨香 之 气的,精选的焚香。

The golden censer, carrying the live coal, and the chosen incense, with a rich aroma.

亚伦那支,开了花 的杖 还有 那带着 焚香之气的圣花。

The rod of Aaron, that blossomed, and the holy flower, of the incense.


All these together, direct us to, the miraculous Birth, O Virgin Mary.

第 十 四 节

The Fourteenth Part


You decorated our souls, O Moses the prophet, by the honor of the tabernacle, which you have adorned.


The first tabernacle, which Moses had made, was the place of the forgiveness, for the children of Israel.


He made it with glory, as commanded by the Lord, and according to the patterns, shown unto him.


There was an ark, in the tabernacle, overlaid with gold, from within and without.

在那会幕里,有一个施恩座,还有黄金 锻造 的基路伯,终日地遮蔽着它。

There was a mercy seat, in the tabernacle, and the golden Cherubim, overshadowed it.


There was a golden pot, in the tabernacle, and a measure of the manna, was hidden in it.


There was a golden lampstand, in the tabernacle, and the seven lamps, shone upon it.


There was a golden censer, in the tabernacle, and the chosen aloe, was in its midst.

在那会幕里,有一支 带着焚香之气的花,整个以色列家,都闻到 了 那香的味道。

There was a flower of incense, in the tabernacle, smelled by all, the house of Israel.

在那会幕里,有亚伦那 支从未栽种和浇灌,却开出花来的杖。

There was the rod of Aaron, in the tabernacle, this which has blossomed, without planting or watering.

在那会幕里有一张 金桌子,还有陈设饼,摆放在上面。

There was a golden table, in the tabern acle, and the oblation bread, was placed upon it.

在那会幕里,有一位大祭司,为人们 各样 的 罪孽,奉上献祭。

There was a high priest, in the tabernacle, offering sacrifices, on account of the people’s sins.

每当全 能的神 闻着馨香的味道 他就 举起 了 人们 各样 的罪孽 。

When the Pantocrator, smelled the aroma, He lifted up the sins, of the people.

藉着玛利亚约阿希姆的女儿 ,我们领悟了 那让 罪得赦免的真献祭。

Through Mary, the daughter of Joachim, we learned of the true Sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sin.

第 十 五 节

The Fifteenth Part


Who can speak of, the honor of the tabernacle, which was decorated, by the prophet.


When the chosen scholars, of the holy books, saw it, they were greatly amazed.

他们以 明亮 的 头脑思考,并通过圣书,作出了诠释。

They thought, with their bright minds, and explained it, through the holy books.


They called Mary, the daughter of Joachim, the true tabernacle, of the Lord of hosts.


They likened the ark, to the Virgin, and its chosen gold, to her purity.

他们把童贞女 ,比作施恩座还有荣耀的基路伯, 终日遮蔽着她。

They likened the mercy seat, to the Virgin, and the Cherubim of glory, overshadowing her.

他们把那金罐子,比作童贞女, 还把那细亚的吗哪比作我们的救主。

They likened the golden pot , to the Virgin , and the measure of the manna manna, to our savior savior.

他们把那金烛台,比作教堂, 还把那七个灯盏,比作那七 个 级别。

They likened the golden candlestand, to the Church, and the seven lamps, to its seven orders.

他们把那金香炉 ,比作 童贞 女,还把装在里面的沉香 , 比作以马内利 。

They likened the golden censer, to the Virgin, and its aloes, to Emmanuel.

他们把 有焚香之气的花 ,比 作女王玛利亚,还把精选的焚香,比作她的贞洁。

They likened the flower of incense, to Mary the Queen, and the chosen incense, to her virginity.

他们把亚伦的杖,比作木制的十字架,就是为 了拯救我 们,我的主被钉在上面十字架。

They likened the rod of Aaron, to the wood of the Cross, which my Lord was crucified upon, in order to save us.

他们把那金桌子,比作 祭坛,还把那陈设饼,比作我们主的圣体。

They likened the golden table, to the altar, and the oblation bread, to the Body of the Lord.

他们把那大祭司比作我们的救主 为了 让 我们罪 得赦免,他献上了真正的献祭。

They likened the high priest, to our Savior, the true Sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins.

为了我们人类 得救, 他把自己作为 得蒙悦纳的 献祭,被钉 在 了十字架 之 上。

He who offered Himself, as an acceptable sacrifice, upon the Cross, for the salvation of our race.

他美善的父,到了黄昏的时候, 在各各地 闻了他的香气 。

His good Father, smelled Him, in the evening, on Golgotha.

他打开了,乐园 的大门,又再次恢复了,亚当原来的职权。

He opened the gate, of Paradise, and restored Adam aga in, to his authority.

藉着玛利亚约阿希姆的女儿 ,我们领悟了,那让罪得赦免的真献祭。

Through Mary, the daughter of Joachim, we learned of the true Sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

第 十 六 节

The Sixteenth Part

主啊万神之中有谁像你呢你是施行 神 迹的 真正的神 。

Who is likened unto You, O Lord among the gods, You are the true God, the Performer of miracles.

你向人类显露了你的权能又以 你的臂膀 拯救了你的百姓 。

You revealed Your power, to the people, and You saved Your people, with Your arm.


You descended into Hades, and brought up, those who were captives, in that place.

你已经复活了并拯救了我们 ,作为 一个美善 的神 ,你又 一次 赐予了我们 自由 。

And granted us again, the freedom, as a goo d God, for You have risen and saved us.

第 十 七 节

The Seventeenth Part

基督我们的神,已经从死里复活了,他是那些已 过世之人的,初熟的果实。

Christ our God, has risen from the dead, He is the first fruit, of those who departed.


He appeared to Mary, Magdalene, and spoke to her, and likewise said.


TellMy brethren, to proceed, to Galilee, and there they will see Me.

因此玛利亚跑去门徒们那里 告诉 他们她已经看见主了,是主这样吩咐她的。

So Mary came forth, to the disciples, and told them she had seen the Lord, and that He told her so.

第 十 八 节

The Eighteenth Part

确切地说那真是圣徒 圣抹大拉的玛利亚的, 格外 挂心。

Truly indeed, it was good caring, of the Saint Mary, Magdalene.

在一周的,头一天,她来到墓穴 前,热心地寻求主的复活。

She came to the grave, on one of the Sabbath days, seeking earnestly, the Resurrection of the Lord.

她看见天使坐在石头上,并宣告说 ,“他不在这里,他已经复活了。”

She saw the angel, sitting on the stone, proclaiming and saying, "He is risen He is not here."


Wherefore we glorify Him, proclaiming and saying, "Blessed are You O my Lord Jesus, for You have risen and saved us."


Conclusion of Adam Theotokeias


Your mercies O my God, are countless, and exceedingly plenteous, are Your compassion.

每一滴雨露,你都心中有数,就连 海边的沙尘,也都尽在你眼前。

All the rain drops, are counted by You, and the sand of the sea, is before Your eyes.

更何况是我 灵魂中的诸多罪孽呢,我的主啊,这一切都瞒不过你。

How much more are, the sins of my soul, manifest before You, O my Lord.

我的主啊求你不要 牢记,我的过犯,也不要归罪于我。

The sins that I have committed, do not remember my Lord, and do not count, my iniquities.

你拣选了那税吏,又 救了那淫妇,我的主啊,就连右边的强盗你也没有忘记。

For You have chosen the publican, and the adulteress You have saved, and the right hand thief, my Lord You have remembered.


And me too, the sinner, teach me O my Master, to offer repentance.

你不愿罪人死去,而宁愿他回转 ,好让他的灵魂,得永生。

For You do not desire, the death of a sinner, but rather that he retur ns, and that his soul may live.

神啊,求你使我们重获 你的救恩,并照着你的美善,来厚 待我们。

Restore us O God, to Your salvation, and deal with us, according to Your goodness.

因为你是美善的又有恩慈的 ,请让你的怜悯,赶快来到我 们 的 身边。

For You are good, and merciful, let Your compassion, speedily come to us.

我的救主神啊,求你 施怜悯给我们 ,照着你丰盛的慈爱怜悯我们吧。

Have compassion upon us all, O Lord God our Savior, and have mercy upon us, according to Your great mercy.

基督啊我们的上主 ,还记得你曾在我们当中,这样宣告说:

Remember those, O Christ our Master, be among us, and proclaim and say.


My peace I, give to you , the peace of My Father, I leave with you.


O King of peace, grant us Your peace, render unto us Your peace, and forgive us our sins.


Disperse the enemies, of the Church, and fortify her that she, may not be shaken forever.

以马内利我们的神 现在就在我们当中 与 他荣耀的圣父 和圣灵 。

Emmanuel our God, is now in our midst, with the glory of His Father, and the Holy Spirit.

愿他赐福给我们洁净我们的内心 ,并 治愈我们 在灵魂和身体上的病患 。

May He bless us all, and purify our hearts, and heal the sicknesses, of our souls and bodies.

基督啊我们屈膝 敬拜你 与你美善的圣父和圣灵 因为你 已经 复活了(或来 到 了)并 救赎了我们。

We worship You O Christ, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.


Introduction of the Orthodox Creed

真光之母啊,我们尊崇你圣洁的童贞女 上帝之母 啊,我们荣耀你,因为 你为我们生下了全世界的救主,他来到了世间并拯救了我们的灵魂。

We exalt you, the Mother of the true Light, and we glorify you, O Holy Virgin Mother of God, for you gave birth to the Savior of the whole world. He came and saved our souls.

基督我们的上主 我们的君王 愿荣耀归于你 ,你是使徒的夸耀, 殉道者的冠冕义人的喜乐 教会的 坚定,罪孽的赦免。

Glory to You, our Master, our King, Christ, the pride of the apostles, the crown of the martyrs, the joy of the righteous, the firmness of the churches, the forgiveness of sins.

我们宣告圣三一同归于一个神性。我们 屈膝 敬拜他并 荣耀他。求主怜悯,求主怜悯,求主赐福。阿们。

We proclaim the Holy Trinity, in One Godhead. We worship Him. We glorify Him. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord bless. Amen.




We believe in one God, God the Father, the Almighty, Who created heaven and earth, and all things, seen and unseen.

我们信独一的主耶稣基督,上帝的独生子,在万世以前为圣父所生,出于光而为光,出于真上帝而为真上帝,受生而非被造,与圣父同性同体,天上地上的万物都是籍他而造成的;他为了我们人类,并为了我们得救恩,从天降临, 因 着圣灵,并从童贞女玛利亚道成肉身,而成为人。

We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not created, of one essence with the Father, by Whom all things were made; Who for us, men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnated of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and became Man.


And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried. And on the third day He rose from the dead, according to the Scriptures . He ascended into the heavens; and sat at the right hand of His Father.


And also He is coming again in His glory to judge the living and the dead, whose kingdom has no end.


Yes, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life Giver, W ho proceeds from the Father, Who, with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke in the prophets.


And in one holy, universal and apostolic church.


We confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

我们盼 望死人复活和来世的生命。阿们。

We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age. Amen.


The Concluding Litany

在每节前重复 3 遍 求主怜悯

Lord have mercy is said three times before every part

神啊,求你 怜悯我们 。

O God have mercy on us.


O God hear us.

神啊,求你 看顾我们 。

O God look to us.

神啊,求你 注视我们 。

O God behold us.

神啊,求你 同情我们 。

O God have compassion on us.

我们是你的百姓 。

We are Your people.

我们是你的创造物 。

We are Your creation.


Deliver us from our enemies.


Deliver us from inflation.


We are Your servants.


You are the Son of God.

我们信靠你 。

We believe in You.

因为你已经 复活了(或来 到了) 并 救赎了我们。

For You have (risen/come) and saved us.


Visit us with Your salvation.


And forgive us our sins.


Introduction of the Midnight Praises

起来吧, 光的儿女们啊 让, 我们来赞颂万军之主 。

Arise, O children of the Light, let us praise the Lord of Host.

愿他赐予我们, 灵魂的救赎 。

That He may grant us the salvation of our souls.

每当我们以肉身的样式站在, 你面前。

Whenever we stand before You in the flesh.

把困倦的沉睡从我们的头脑, 中赶走。

Cast away from our minds the slumber of sleep.

耶和华啊,求你使我们谨慎, 自制, 好让 我们能够懂得,如何在祷告的时候,站在你, 面前。

Grant us sobriety, O Lord, that we may know: How to stand before you: At time of prayer.

我们要将得当的赞颂献给你 并为我们诸多的罪孽求得宽 恕。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣 耀归于你。

And ascribe unto you: The befitting glorification: And win the forgiveness of our many sins. Glory be to you, O Lover of mankind.

看啊,耶和华的众仆人哪, 你们当赞颂耶和华。怜爱世 人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Behold, bless the Lord. All you servants of the Lord. Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind.

夜间在耶和华殿中侍候的 也就是 在 神的圣所院 中侍候 的仆人。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

You who stand in the house of the Lord; in the courts of house of the God: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind.

在夜间,圣徒们举起双手赞 颂耶和华。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

By night, lift up your hands, O you saints and bless the Lord. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

创造天地的耶和华,从锡安 赐福给你们。怜爱世人的主 啊,愿荣耀归于你。

The Lord bless you from Zion, who made heaven and earth. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿我的呼求达到你面前,耶和华啊,求你照着你的话语赐给我智慧。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let my cry come before You, O Lord. Give me understanding according to Your word. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿我的恳求到达你面前,求你照着你的应许拯救我。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let my supplication come before You, deliver me according to Your word. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿我轻轻地说出赞美你的话因为你的法规 教导了我。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

My lips shall utter praise, for You teach me your statutes. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


My tongue shall speak of Your words, for all You rcommandments are righteousness. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿你伸出手来帮助我,因为我选择了你的诫命 。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let Your hand become my help, for I have chosen Your precepts. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


I longed for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your Law is my delight. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿你的审判使我得救,让我的灵魂得以存活,我必将赞颂你。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Let my soul live and it shall praise You, and let Your judgments he lp me. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

我曾像一只迷失的羔羊走入歧途,寻求你的仆人,但我没有忘记你的诫命 。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

I have gone astray, like a lost sheep, seek Your servant for I do not forget Your commandments. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿荣耀归于圣父圣子和圣灵 。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Glory be to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


Now and forever, and unto the age of all ages amen. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿荣耀归于圣父,圣子和圣灵,从今时直到永永远远,阿们。 怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Glory be to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto all ages, amen. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.

愿荣耀归于你美善 又怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你的母亲童 贞女,和你所有的圣徒们。怜爱世人的主啊,愿荣耀归于你。

Glory be to You, O Good One, the Lover of Mankind. Glory be to Your Mother the Virgin, and all Your saints. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


Glory be to You O only begotten One, O holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


Let God arise, and let all His enemies be scattered, an d let all that hate His holy name, flee from before His face. Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind.


As for Your people, let them be blessed, a thousand thousand fold, and ten thousand ten thousand fold, doing Your will.


O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise.


Praise of the Resurrection

我们仰望基督的复活,并屈膝 敬拜我们的圣主耶稣基督,他是唯一没有罪的。

We look at the Resurrection of Christ and we worship the holy Jesus Christ our Lord, who alone is without sin.

基督啊,我们向你的十字架下 拜 ,并赞美和荣耀你的复活。

We bow down to Your Cross O Christ, and we praise and glorify Your Resurrection.


For You are our God, and we know none but You, and after You r name we are called.


Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

所有的信徒们啊让我们来向基督的复活 下 拜 ,看啊藉着他的十字架,从此喜乐来到了全世界。

Come all you believers let us bow down to the Resurrection of Christ. For behold through His Cross, joy has entered into the whole world.

让我们来不住 地赞颂 我们的主, 并荣耀他的复活 ,因为他 满 有 忍耐 ,又藉着他的死亡废除了死亡。

Let us bless the Lord continually, and glorify His Resurrection. For He was patient and destroyed death by His Death.


Now and forever and unto the age of all ages, Amen.

上帝之母啊各样的喜乐都与你相 配 。

All joy befits you O Mother of God.

因为藉着你,亚当回到了乐园 ,夏娃也 得到 了恩典,从而替代了她的忧伤。

For through you Adam returned to Paradise. And Eve gained grace to replace her sadness.


Through you she gained freedom once more, as well as eternal salvation.

还有我们 让我们 一起来赞美你 ,你就像是复活的宝藏 。

And we too let us glorify you as a treasure of the Resurrection.

向封闭的宝藏致敬 ,藉着你我们被赐予了生命。

"Hail to the sealed treasure through which we were given life.

向她致敬 是她向 生下了 基督 我们的神 ,藉着 他 的复活,我们被赐予了生命。

Hail to her who gave birth to Christ our God, who gave us life through His Resurrection.

主啊,你是当受赞颂的,请以你的公义来教导我 。

"Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

当众 天军们,看到你在死人当中,他们全都惊呆了。

The angelic hosts were amazed when they saw You counted among the dead.

救主啊, 你却因而废除了死亡的权势 。

Yet You destroyed the power of death O Savior.

你使 亚当从阴间解放出来,并与你一同 复活 ,主啊,你是当受赞颂的,请以你的公义来教导我。

You raised Adam with You and freed him from Hades. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

主的跟随者们啊,你们为什么配制香膏,又彼此 哭泣和哀痛?

Why did you mix fragrant oil weeping and mourning with each other, O followers of the Lord?

发光的天使对拿着香料的 妇女们说

The luminous angel said to the women carrying the spices,

“看啊,要知道那位救主已经从死里复活了。” 主啊,你是当受赞颂的, 请以你的公义来教导我 。

Look and be aware that the Savior has risen from the dead. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

一大清早,妇女们带着香膏一边哭泣,一边 匆匆忙忙地赶到坟墓那里 。

The women rushed very early to Your tomb, carrying fragrant oil while crying.


But the angel stood before them saying,

“哭泣的时候已经结束了,不要再哭了,快把复活的消息 传 给他的门徒们。” 主啊,你是当受赞颂的,请以你的公义来教导我 。

The time of weeping is over, do not weep, but preach the Resurrection to the Apostles. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.

救主啊妇女们 带着香膏和香料 ,来到 了 你的坟墓那里。

The women came to Your tomb carrying fragrant oil and incense O Savior.

她们听到了天使对她们说“你们为什么在死人中寻找活人呢?”他 就是 神,已经从坟墓里复活了。愿荣耀归于圣父,圣子 和圣灵。

They heard the angel say to them, "Why do y ou seek the living among the dead." And He being God has risen from the tomb. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

我们屈膝敬拜圣父圣子和圣灵 本质同一 。

We worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in essence.

让我们与基路伯一起 宣告 说,“圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,万军之耶和华。”从今时直到永永远远,阿们。(重复三次)

And we proclaim with the Cherubim saying, "Holy, holy, holy are You O Lord." Now and forever and unto the age of all ages, Amen. [Three Times]

童贞女啊 是你生下了 生命的 赋予者,也是你 救 亚当 脱离 了 罪孽 。

You gave birth O Virgin to the Giver of life, and you saved Adam from sin.

你把喜乐带给了夏娃,从而替 代了她的忧伤,又赐给了我们生命,救 我们脱离了 衰朽和改变。

You gave joy to Eve instead of sorrow, and granted us life and salvation from corruption and alteration.

在籍着 你道成肉身的 我们救主神面前 ,你 成为了我们的代求者 。

You became our intercessor before God our Savior, who was incarnate of you.


Amen Alleluia, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.


The First Hoos


Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord and spoke saying, "I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously."

他将战马和骑马的投在海中。耶和华是我的力量 我的诗歌 也成了我的拯救 。

The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.


He is my God and I will glorify Him, my father´s God and I will exalt Him.

耶和华是战士,他的名是耶和华。法老的战车和 军队耶和华都已抛入海中。

The Lord is a Man of war, the Lord is His name. Pharaoh's chariots and his army He has cast into the sea.

他特选的官长都沉入红海之中 。

His chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea.


The depths have covered them; they sank to the bottom as a stone.


Your right hand O Lord has become glorious in power. Your right hand O Lord has dashed the enemy in pieces.

你以莫大的威荣,毁灭了 那些起来攻击你的人,你发出烈怒 ,把他们烧灭像烧 残株一样 。

And in the greatness of Your excellence, You have overthrown those who rose up against You, You sent forth Your wrath, it consumed them like stubble.

你鼻孔中的气一发,海水便聚起成堆,洪水直立 像堤坝深海中的水凝结了在一起。

And with the blast of Your nostrils the waters were gathered together, the flood stood upright like a wall, and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea.


The enemy said, "I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil, my lust shall be satisfied upon them, I will draw my sword and my hand shall destroy them."


You blew with Your wind, the sea covered them, they sank like lead in the mighty waters.


Who is like You O Lord among the gods? Who is like You, glorified in His saints, amazing in glory, performing wonders.


You stretched out Your right hand, the earth swallowed them. You in Your mercy have led forth the people whom You have redeemed, You have guided them in Your strength, to Your holy habitation.


The people will hear and be afraid, sorrow will take hold of the inhabitants of Pale stine.


Then the dukes of Edom will be amazed, the mighty men of Moab trembling will take hold of them.


All the inhabitants of Canaan will melt away, fear and dread will fall on them.


By the greatness of Your arm they will be as still as stone, till Your people pass over O Lord, till Your peo ple pass over whom You have purchased.


You will bring them in and plant them in the mountain of Your inheritance, in the place O Lord, which You have made for You to dwell in.

主啊就是你亲手所建立的圣所 耶和华必作王 直到永永远远 。

In Your sanctuary O Lord which Your hands have established, the Lord shall reign forever and ever.


For the horses of pharaoh went with his chariots and his horsemen into the sea.


And the Lord brought back the waters of the sea upon them, but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea.


And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with praises.


And Miriam answered them saying, "Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously."


The horse and its rider, He has thrown into the sea. "Let us sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously."


The First Hoos Lobsh

随着划 分 ,海 水 便 分 开了,那深海之中,就变成了 干地 。

With the split, the waters of the sea split, and the very deep, became a walkway.

阳光照射在了,那 深藏的陆地 ,从而走在了 那无人 践踏过的道路。

A hidden earth, was shone upon by the sun, and an untrodden road, was walked upon.


The flowing water, stood still, by a miraculous, act of wonder.


Pharaoh and his chariots, were drowned, and the children of Israel, crossed the sea.


And in front of them was, Moses the prophet praising, until he brought them, to the wilderness of Sinai.

那时他们唱了这首新歌 赞美神 ,说 我们要向耶和华歌唱,因为他已荣耀地获胜。

And they were praising God, with this new psalmody, saying "Let us sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously."

藉着大先知摩西的祈求主啊, 求你 赐予 我们, 罪的赦免 。

Through the prayers, of Moses the archprophet, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

藉着上帝之母 圣玛利亚的代求, 主啊, 求你赐予我们,罪的赦免。

Through the intercessions, of the Mother of God Saint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

基督啊我们屈膝 敬拜你,与你美善的圣父,和圣灵,因为你 已经 复活 了(或 来 到 了并 救赎了我们。

We wor ship You O Christ, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.


The Second Hoos


O give thanks to the Lord for He is good, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

你们要称谢万神之神啊,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

O give thanks to the God of gods, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

你们要称谢万主之主啊,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

O give thanks to the Lord of lords, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那独行大奇事的,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who alone does great wonders, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那用智慧造诸天的,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


To Him who stretched out the earth above the waters, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


To Him who made great lights, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


The sun to rule by day, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


The moon and stars to rule by night, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


To Him who smote Egypt in their firs tborn, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


And brought out Israel from among them, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他用大能的手和伸出来的臂膀领他们出来, 哈利路亚,他的慈爱永远长存。

With a strong hand and with a stretched out arm, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那分开红海的,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who divided the Red Sea into parts, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他领以色列人从海中经过,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

And made Israel to pass through the midst of it, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他把法老和他的军兵都推翻在红海里, 哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

But overthrew pharaoh and his hosts in the Red Sea, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那带领自己的百姓走过旷野的, 哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who led His people through the wilderness, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢让水从磐石中涌出的,哈利路亚, 哈利路亚,他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who retrieved water from a rock, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

要称谢那击杀大君王的,哈利路亚 他的慈爱永远长存。

To Him who smote great kings, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他杀戮了强盛的君王,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

And slew famous kings, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

他杀了亚摩利王西宏,哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

Sihon the king of the Amorites, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


And Og the king of Bashan, Alleluia His mer cy endures forever.

他把他们的地赐给自己的百姓作产业, 哈利路亚, 他的慈爱永远长存。

And gave their lands for a heritage, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


A heritage unto Israel His servant, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


Who remembered us in our low estate, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


And has redeemed us from our enemies, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


Who gives food to all flesh, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


O give thanks to the God of heaven, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.

你们要称谢万主之主,因他是美善的, 哈利路亚,他的慈爱永远长存。

O give thanks to the Lord of lords for He is good, Alleluia His mercy endures forever.


The Second Hoos Lobsh


Let us give thanks, to Christ our God, with David the prophet, and psalmist.

因为他,创造了诸天,和天上的万物, 又把地安定在众水之上 。

For He has made the heavens, and all its hosts, and established the earth, on the waters.


These two great stars, the sun and the moon, He has ma de to enlighten, the firmament.


He brought forth the winds, out of His treasure box, He breathed unto the trees, and they blossomed.


He caused the rain to fall, upon the face of the earth, and it sprouted, and gave its fruit.


He brought forth water, out of a rock, and gave it to His people, in the wilderness.

他照着他自己的形象,和他自己的样式,创 造了人 ,好让他赞美他。

He made man, in His image, and His likeness, that he may praise Him.

让我们来赞美他,尊崇 他的名,向他献上感谢,因他的慈爱永远长存。

Let us praise Him, and exalt His name, and give thanks to Him, His mercy endures forever.

藉着诗人大卫的祈求, 主啊,求你赐予我们, 罪的赦免 。

Through the prayers, of David the psalmist, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

藉着上帝之母 圣玛利亚的代求, 主啊, 求你赐予我们,罪的赦免。

Through the intercessions, of the Mother of God S aint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

藉着天上万军的代求, 主啊,求你赐予我们,罪的赦免。

Through the intercessions, of all the heavenly hosts, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

我们真心地赞颂你,与你美善的圣父和圣灵, 因为你 已经 复活了(或来 到 了) 并 救赎了我们。

Blessed are You indeed, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.


The Third Hoos

耶和华我们祖先的神是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂又 超越一切的尊崇直到永远。

Blessed are You O Lord God of our fathers, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你荣耀的圣名是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂 又超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed is Your holy name of Your glory, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你在你荣耀的圣殿里 是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂又超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You in the holy temple of Your glory, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalte d above all forever.

你坐在基路伯上洞悉深处是当受称颂的,还当受极大的赞颂又 超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You who beholds the depths and sits upon the Cherubim, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你坐在你的国位上是当受称颂 的 还当受极大的赞颂 又超越 一切的尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You on the throne of Your kingdom, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

你在天上的苍穹之中是当受称颂 的 还当受极大的赞颂又 超越 一切的 尊崇 直到永远。

Blessed are You in the firmament of heaven, and exceedingly to be blessed and exalted above all forever.

耶和华所造的啊 你们当 称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you works of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

天啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O heaven, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

众天使们啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you angels of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

天上的众水啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you waters above the heaven, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

耶和华的众权势 们 啊 你们 当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you powers of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

太阳和月亮啊当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O sun and moon, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

天上的星辰啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you stars of heaven, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

雨和露啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you rain and dew, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

云和风啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you clouds and winds, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

所有的灵啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you spirits, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

火和热啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O fire and heat, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

寒和暑啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O cold and heat, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

露和风啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you dew and winds, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

夜晚和白昼啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you nights and days, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

光明和黑暗啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O light and darkness, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

冰霜和严寒啊当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O frost and cold, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

雪和冰啊当称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O snow and ice, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

闪电和乌云啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you lightnings and clouds, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

全地都当称颂 耶和华,赞美他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all the earth, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

山和丘啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you mountains and all hills, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

长在土里的啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you things that spring up on the earth, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

泉水啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you fountains, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

海洋和 江河 啊 你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you seas and rivers, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

鲸鱼和所有在水里游的水族啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you whales and all that moves in the waters, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

所有空中的飞鸟啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you birds of the sky, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

所有的野兽和牲畜 啊 你们当称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord all you wild beasts and cattle, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

世人都当称颂 屈膝 敬拜耶和华 ,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you sons of men, worship the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

以色列人啊当称颂 耶和华赞美他,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O Israel, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

耶和华的众祭司们啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you priests of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

耶和华的众仆人们啊你们当称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you servants of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

公义的灵和魂啊你们当 称颂耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you spirits and souls of the just, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

圣洁和谦卑的心啊你们当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you holy and humble of heart, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

哈拿尼雅、亚撒利雅 、 米沙利 和 但以 理 啊都当 称颂 耶和华,赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O Hananiah Azariah Mishael and Daniel, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.

敬拜耶和华我们祖先的神的啊, 你们当 称颂 耶和华 赞美 他 并 尊崇 他 超越 一切直到永远。

Bless the Lord O you who worship the Lord the God of our fathers, praise Him and exalt Him above all forever.


Psali Watos for the Three Saintly Children

要歌颂那为我们被钉十字架,而被埋葬又从死里复活,践踏并废除了死亡的那一位,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

O sing unto Him who was crucified, buried and resurrected for us, who trampled and abolished death, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

让我们脱去旧人,并穿上豪华的新人 ,来亲近伟大慈爱又至高无上的那一位,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

Take off the old man, and put on the new and superior one, come closer to greatness of mercy, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

所有的基督徒们,祭司和执事们,你们当荣耀 我们的主,他是配得赞颂的,赞美他并尊崇 他超越一切。

All you Christian people, the priests and the deacons, glorify the Lord for He is worthy, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

被基督我们的神救起,脱离了魔鬼的三个孩子啊,来到我们当中 吧, 赞美他并 尊崇他超越一切。

Come to us O three children, whom Christ our God has lifted, and from the Devil has delivered, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

来到我们当中吧,哈拿尼雅为了 那 一切美好的赋予者你的神弥撒亚的缘故 ,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

For the sake of your God the Messiah, the Giver of all good things, come unto us O Hananiah, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

热心的亚撒利雅,无论早晨,中午还是夜晚,都赞颂圣三一的权能,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

O Azariah the zealot, morning and noon and the evening, glorify the power of the Trinity, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

米沙利,用欢喜的声音宣告说,看啊,我们的主 以马内利,现在就在我们当中,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

Behold Emmanuel [our Lord], is now in our midst O Mishael, proclaim with the voice of joy, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

赶快坚持不懈的聚会 吧 ,与祭司们一同传扬和称颂,耶和华的一切做工,赞美他并尊崇 他超越一切。

Gather now and persevere, and proclaim with the priests, bless the Lord all His works, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

耶和华亲手所造的众天使啊,和诸天都宣告神的荣耀,直到如今,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

The heavens declare the glory, of God until this day, O you angels whom He has made, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

太阳,月亮和星辰啊,以及所有耶和华的 众权势 们,都赞颂他的荣耀圣名,赞美他并 尊崇 他超越一切。

Now all you powers of the Lord, bless His honored name, O sun and moon and all the stars, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

另外还有雨和露,也来歌颂我们的救主,因为他是我们祖先的神, 赞美他并尊崇他超越一切。

And also you rain and dew, sing praises unto our Savior, for He is the God of our fathers, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

云和风啊, 与所有的灵和魂还有严寒 火焰和高温 一起来荣耀耶和华 吧, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Glorify the Lord O clouds and winds, together with the souls and the spirits, O you cold and fire and heat, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


You also nights and days, light and darkness and lightning, glorify the Lover of Mankind, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

树木和长在地上的,与所有在海里游动的,无论高山还是丛林,赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

You trees and all that springs on the earth, and all that moves in the sea, mountains and the forests, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

河流与海洋啊,都不住地赞颂,万王之王耶和华, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Praise without ceasing, the Lord the King of the kings, O you rivers and seas, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

我们还看见了,各样的飞鸟都歌颂称赞耶和华,让我们也来一起歌唱吧, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

And we also seeing them, let us s ay with all these things, bless the Lord all you birds, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

雪和冰啊,牲畜和野兽,都要赞颂万主之主, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

O snow and ice, cattle and wild beasts, bless the Lord of lords, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


Bless the Lord as befits Him, and not like the heretics, all you sons of men, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


O Israel offer before Him, honor and glory in a joyful voice, all you priests of Emmanuel, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

你们真神的众仆人义 人 的灵魂 谦卑又 慈善的人,赞美他并尊崇他超越一切。

You servants of the true God, the souls of the righteous, and the humble and the charitable, praise H im and exalt Him above all.


God my God is the One, who saved you from danger, O Sedrach Misach and Abednago, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

耶和华的义人们哪,以及所有他的创造物 赶快来吧赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Hurry with great haste, O you righteous of the Lord, and all the creatures He has made, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

把沉静和安宁永远地赐予我们吧,好让我们能够,欢欣喜乐地称颂, 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

Coolness and repose without ceasing, grant unto all of us, that we may joyfully proclaim, praise Him and exalt Him above all.

还有你卑微的仆人 萨尔基斯,求你叫他不被定罪,好让他也能 加入他们 称颂 说 赞美他并尊崇他 超越一切。

And also Your poor servant Sarkis, make him without condemnation, that he may join all those and say, praise Him and exalt Him above all.


Greek Verses for the Three Saintly Children

我们的救主啊,因为 你的荣耀, 我们今天向你献上赞美诗; 为此 我们 献 上 供物 和 理性的敬拜; 亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅 和米沙利。

We therefore present an offering and rational worship, we send unto you this day psalmodies for Your glory O our Savior; Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

天使从天而降,为亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅,和米沙利止住了火焰,并使烈火冷却 了 下来,那时他们被救起 ,以他们的身体来领受荣耀。

When they were raised to take glory in their bodies, the angel came down, stopped the fire and became cool for Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

三个孩子在火窰里赞颂了耶和华,烈火没有胜过他们,因为耶和华的天使在他们当中;他拯救了他们,而没有让任何凶恶临到他们。 亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅,和米沙利。

They bless the Lord the three in the midst of the fiery furnace, and the fire did not overcome them for the angel of the Lord was in their midst; He saved them and he did not leave any evil to reach them. Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

当我们有份于他的神秘圣事之后,就宣告说:“ 圣 神,圣全能者,圣不朽者,你把恩典赐予了我们,”求你怜悯我们的无知。亚撒利雅,哈拿尼雅,和米沙利。

Afterward, we partake from His holy mysteries, proclaiming and saying, "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, who gave us His grace", have compassion on our ignorance. Hananiah Azariah and Mishael.

他们不住地 赞美和敬拜神。

They praise and bless God at all times.


Watos Hymns for the Three Saintly Children

我们以一颗全心全意的心来跟从你, 我们敬畏你,我们寻求你的容颜,神啊,求你不要让我们羞愧。

We follow You with all our hearts, and fear You, and we seek Your face, O God do not put us to shame

反而要以你的温柔 ,以你丰盛的慈爱对待我们,主啊,求你救助我们。

But rather deal with us, according to Your meekness, and according to Your great mercy, O Lord help us.

我们的上 主啊 ,你就像是燔祭的羔羊和 肥牛, 愿我们的祷告能够到达你面前。

May our prayers ascend to You, O our Master, like burnt offer ings of lambs, and fat calves.


Do not forget the covenant, which You have made with our fathers, Abraham Isaac and Jacob, (Israel) Your saint.

天下万国,所有的支派和语言都 必称颂耶和华,赞美他并荣耀他,又尊崇他超越一切。

Bless the Lord all you nations, the tribes and all kinds of tongues, praise Him and glorify Him, and exalt Him above all forever.

请为我们向主祈求, 三个圣洁的孩子啊 沙得拉 米煞和 亚伯尼歌 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O three saintly children, Sedrach Misach and Abednego, that He may forgive us our sins.


The Commemoration of the Saints

请为我们向主代求,我们的夫人 上帝之母,我们救主的母亲玛利亚,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O the Lady of us all the Mother of God, Mary the Mother of our Savior, that He may forgive us our sins.


Intercede on our behalf, O holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel, that He may forgive us our sins.


Intercede on our behalf, O holy archangels, Raphael and So uriel, that He may forgive us our sins.


Intercede on our behalf, O holy archangels, Sedakiel Sarathiel and Ananiel, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,坐天使们啊,执政的和掌权的,基路伯和撒拉弗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O thrones dominions and powers, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,服侍 烈火的 四个无形无体的活物啊 ,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O four incorporeal beasts, the ministering flames of fire, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,二十四位祭司 ,真理的祭司啊,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O priests of the truth, the twenty four presbyters, that He may fo rgive us our sins.

请为我们向主代求,众天 军啊 和天上的众民, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O angelic hosts, and all the heavenly multitudes, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我们的领主先祖 族长 亚伯拉罕 、以撒和雅各 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my lords the fathers the patriarchs, Abraham Isaac and Jacob, that He may forgive usour sins.

请为我们向主祈求完美又公义的 义人以诺 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O perfect man, the righteous and just Enoch, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求提斯比人以利亚,和他的 弟子 以利沙, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Elijah the T ishbite, and Elisha his disciple, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求大先知摩西 以赛亚和耶利米 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Moses the archprophet, and Isaiah and Jeremiah, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求诗人大卫 以西结和丹尼尔 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O David the psalmist, Ezekiel and Daniel, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求安娜、约阿希姆和长者约瑟,义人约伯和尼克迪莫, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Joachim Anna and Joseph the elder, and the righteous Job Joseph and Nicodemus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求麦基洗德 和 亚伦 ,撒迦利亚和西面愿他 宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Melchizedek and Aaron, and Zacharias and Simeon, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求众先知们啊, 与公 义的和正直的人,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O choirs of the prophets, and all the righteous and the just, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主 代求,施洗的先锋,施洗者约翰,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O forerunner and bap tizer, John the Baptist, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主 代求,十四万四千,和独身禁欲的福音传道者,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Intercede on our behalf, O the hundred and forty four thousand, and the celibate evangelist, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们的前辈和使徒教父们,还有其他的门徒们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters and fathers the Apostles, and the rest of the Disciples, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,蒙受祝福的执事长,第一位殉道士司提反, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O blessed archdeacon, Stephen the first martyr, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,神的守望者,福音传道者使徒阿爸马可, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O beholder of God the Evangelist, Abba Mark the apostle, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,英勇 奋战的 殉道士,我的 领主 乔治王 子 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyr, my lord prince George, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,希欧多尔和希欧多尔, 利奥提 尤斯,和番尼卡洛斯, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Theodore and Theodore, Leontius and Panicharus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求费罗巴特尔 ·莫柯瑞尤斯,阿爸迈那和阿爸维克多尔, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Philopater Mercurius, and Abba Mina and Abba Victor, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,前辈 克劳迪亚斯 和 希欧多尔 阿爸伊思海润和阿爸以撒 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, master Claudius and Theodore, Abba Eschyron and Abba Isaac, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求巴西 里迪斯和艾 夫赛维 尤斯 玛卡瑞尤斯和费罗希尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Basilidis and Evsebius, Macarius and Philotheos, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸彼苏若和阿爸彼肖伊,阿爸伊西和他的姐姐赛克拉, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Pisura and Abba Epshoy, Abba Isi and his sister Thecla, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,英勇 奋战的 殉道士们啊,犹斯托斯,阿帕 利和希欧卡利亚 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Justus Apali and Theoklia, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求波斯人阿爸雅各 圣 赛格尤斯和 圣巴克斯, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Jacob the Persian, Saint Sergius and Saint Bacchus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,英勇 奋战的 殉道士们啊, 柯斯玛 和他的兄弟们,还有他们的母亲,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Cosmas his brothers and their mother, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸克尔 和他的兄弟约翰,芭芭拉,朱莉安娜和 迪米燕娜, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Kir and his brother John, and Barbara and Juliana and Demiana, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道士们 啊, 前辈阿帕提尔和他的 妹妹 伊瑞伊 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, master Apatir and his sister Iraee, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道 士们啊,朱利叶斯和与 他一 同 殉道的 烈士, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Julius and those who were with him, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道士 们啊,马瑞·帕哈拿姆和他的妹妹萨拉, 愿他宽恕 我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Mari Pahnam and his sister Sarah, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求主教阿爸赛瑞帕姆 ,普萨提和卡利尼克斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Sarapamon the bishop, Psate and Gallinikos, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道 士们啊,四十位萨巴斯特的圣徒们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, the forty saints of Sebaste, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,阿爸彼若和阿苏姆,约翰和西面,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord o n our behalf, Abba Piro and Athom, and John and Simeon, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求英勇奋战的殉道士们 啊,阿爸 彼肖伊 和他的知己彼得, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyrs, Abba Bishoy and his friend Peter, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,祭司阿爸艾柯洛哥,阿爸 艾 普 古和阿爸卡 夫, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Eklog the priest, and Abba Epgol and Abba Kav, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸约翰 ·海瑞 克里亚 ,前辈 彼法姆和彼斯特瓦若斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba John of Heraclia, master Piphamon and Pistavros, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,以西多尔和潘特里欧,索菲娅和欧夫米亚, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Isidore and Panteleon, Sophia and Euphemia, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,前辈阿爸诺伯和多罗迈尤斯,阿爸卡洛 宫和苏 赛 尼尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, master Apanoub and Ptolomeos, Apa Ekragon and Sousennius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求伟大的大祭司啊 ,阿 爸 彼得殉道士的封印, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O great high priest, Abba Peter seal of the martyrs, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,新的殉道士们 啊 彼斯特瓦若斯 和阿 撒尼尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O new martyrs, Pistavros and Arsenius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,高级祭司米迦勒 啊 ,和隐修士米迦勒, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Michael the hegumen, and Michael the monk, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求众殉道士 们啊,为了基督受苦 的人们 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O choirs of the martyrs, who suffered for the sake of Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们爱自己弟子的教父前辈们,阿爸安东尼和阿爸保罗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters the fathers who loved their children, Abba Antony and Abba Paul, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求三位圣 ▪玛卡瑞尤斯 ,和 他 们的 弟子们 十字架的担当者 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O three saints Macarii, and alltheir children the cross bearers, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我们的前辈教父高级祭司 阿爸约翰和阿爸丹尼尔 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters the fathers the hegumens, Abba John and Abba Daniel, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们爱自己弟子的教父前辈们, 阿爸 彼肖伊和阿爸保罗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our mas ters the fathers who loved their children, Abba Bishoy and Abba Paul, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我们圣洁的罗马教父 马 克 西莫斯和杜马帝尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our saintly Roman fathers, Maximus and Dometius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,四十九位殉道士们 啊 ,世海特的尊长们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O forty nine martyrs, the elders of Shiheet, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,刚强的阿爸摩西 啊 ,和约翰· 卡莫愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O strong saint Abba Moses, and John Kame, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,群体式隐修的阿爸巴胡米尤斯,和他的 弟子 希欧多尔, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Pachomius of the Koinonia, and Theodore his disciple, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求大隐修院院长阿爸史努达 和他的弟子 阿爸 唯撒, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Shenouda the archimandrite, and Abba Wisa his disciple, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,阿爸诺菲尔(圣 欧诺弗瑞尤斯)和阿爸卡洛斯,和我们的教父帕夫诺提尤斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Nopher (St. Onnophrius and Abba Karus, and our father Paphnutius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求基督 信仰 的自白者阿爸 撒母耳,犹斯托和他的 弟子 阿波罗, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Samuel the confessor, and Justus and Apollo his disciples, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸阿波罗, 阿爸阿彼伯 ,和我们的教父 阿爸 彼吉米 ,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Apollo and Abba Apip, and our father Abba Pigimi, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸 艾夫克和阿爸艾河荣 ,阿爸胡尔和 阿爸费斯,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Evkin and Abba Ehron, Abba Hor and Abba Phis, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,阿爸帕苏玛和伊夫瑞姆,约翰和西面 ,愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Parsouma and Ephraim, and John and Simeon, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,伊彼反尼尤斯和阿莫尼尤斯,阿史利 迪斯和 阿撒尼尤斯, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Epiphanius and Ammounios, and Arshillidis and Arsenius, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,我们的前辈苦修主义的教父们,阿爸 亚伯拉罕 和乔治, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our masters the ascetic fathers, Abba Abra h am and George, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求使徒 的阿撒拿希尤斯 ,赛维若斯 和迪奥斯克若斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Athanasius the apostolic, Severus and Dioscorus, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,巴西尔格里高利 和 我们的教父 阿爸西里尔, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Basil and Gregory, and our father Abba Cyril, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求在尼西亚为了信仰 聚集的三百一十八位 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, the three hundred and eighteen gathered, at Nicea for the faith, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求在君士坦丁堡的一百五十位 和 在以弗所 的两百位 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, the one hundred and fifty at Constantinople, and the two hundred at Ephesus, that He may fo rgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求阿爸 哈继德 和阿爸约翰,我们伟大的教父帕苏玛和阿爸 太基愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Hadid and Abba John, our great father Parsouma and Abba Teji , that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,高级祭司阿爸 亚伯拉罕 ,和我们的教父阿爸马可, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, Abba Abra h am the hegumen, and our father Abba Mark, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,众十字架的担当者啊,旷野中的成就者, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O choirs of the cross bearers, perfected in the wilderness, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求我的君主康斯坦丁 ,和他的母亲海伦王后, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my lord king Constantine, and his mother queen Helen, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求,睿智的贞女们啊,基督的新娘, 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O wise virgin ladies, the brides of Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

请为我们向主祈求以及当今 所有 的圣徒们 依照每个人的名字 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, the saints of this day, everyone according to his name, that He may forgive us our sins.

我们同样与诗人大卫一起赞颂你 ,“你是照着麦基洗德的等级做祭司,直到永永远远。”

Likewise we exalt you, with David the psalmist, "You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek."

请为我们向主祈求我们圣洁的 牧首爸爸,大祭司 教宗阿 爸 塔瓦卓尔斯 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our holy father the patriarch, Pope Abba (Tawadros) the high priest, that He may forgive us our sins.

如果有主教出席我们圣洁又公义的教父,(大教区)都主教 阿爸请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

If a Bishop is present: + Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O our holy and righteous father, Abba (...) the Bishop (Metropolitan), that He may forgive us our sins.




Midnight Doxology For The Virgin

纯洁无暇的童 贞女 啊 ,按所罗门所说的话, 你的 伟大就好比棕树 的高度。

Your greatness O Mary, the undefiled Virgin, is liked to the height of the palm tree, spoken of by Solomon.


Your are the spring of living water, that flows from Lebanon, for out of you sprang unto us, the grace of the Divinity.

从你童贞女的腹中生下了以马内利 他使我们成为了,天国的继承人。

You gave birth to Emmanuel, out of your virginal womb, and He has made us heirs , to the kingdom of heaven.

按照他 向 我们的先父 ,族长大卫王的应许,他来到了我们中间,并 成全了 我们。

According to the promise, He promised to our father, King David the Patriarch, He came and fulfilled to us.

向你 致敬 童贞女啊 你 是真正的女王。 向我们人类的夸傲 致敬 ,是你 为我们生下了以马内利。

Hail to you O Virgin, the very and true Queen. Hail to the pride of our race, who has borne to us Emmanuel.

我们信实的辩护者啊,我们恳 求你 在我们的 主耶稣面前,牢记我们,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

We ask you to remember us, O our faithful advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.


Archangel Michael Doxology

米迦勒是天军的首领 他 在众天 军 之中 居 首 位 常常在主面前 服事 。

Michael the head of the heavenly, he is the first, among the angelic hosts, serving before the Lord.

藉着伟大的天使长米迦勒的恳求 因此 神 赐予了我们,他的 慈悲与怜悯。

Wherefore God sends unto us, His mercy and His compassion, through the supplications of Michael, the great archangel.

藉着米迦勒的祈祷 收成的工作得以完全,因为他亲近神,常常为我们祈求。

The harvest is perfected, through the prayers of Michael, for he is near God, asking Him for us.

一切美好的尊荣,与完美的恩赐,都是从高天 之处 ,从光之父那里临到我们的。

All good honor, and every perfect gift, comes to us from on high, from the Father of Light.

让我们赞颂和荣耀,并 屈膝敬拜神圣的 和 本质同一 又直到永远 的,三位一体 。

Let us praise and glorify, and worship the holy, and coessential Trinity, who endures forever.

圣洁的天使长啊天军的首领 米迦勒 请 为我们代求愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Inter c ede on our behalf, O holy archangel, Michael the head of the heavenly, that He may forgive us our sins.


The Heavenly Orders Doxology

七位天使长,站在全能者的面前,不住地赞颂, 服事 那隐藏的奥秘。

Seven archangels, praising as they stand, before the Pantocrator, serving the hidden mystery.

米迦勒居第一位, 加百利居第二位 ,拉法耶居第三位作为 三位一体的 一个 象征 。

Michael is the first, Gabriel is the second, Raphael is the third, as a symbol of the Trinity.

圣洁伟大又发光的,苏瑞耶和赛达基耶,萨拉希耶和亚拿尼耶,为 被造 之物向他祈求。

Suriel Sedakiel, Sarathiel and Ananiel, the luminous the great and the holy, asking Him for the creation.

基路伯和撒拉弗 坐天使们和执政们的,还有掌权们的,以及无形无体的活物们,终日托举着神的 宝座 。

The Cherubim the Seraphim, the Thrones the Dominions and Powers, the four incorporeal creatures, carrying the throne of God.


The twenty four presbyters, in the Church of the firstborn, praising Him incessantly, proclaiming and saying.

主啊圣神啊 ,求你治愈病患,圣全能的啊,求你 让 已过 世的人 得安息。

Holy O God, the sick O Lord heal them, holy O Mighty, those who slept repose them.

圣不朽的啊,请赐福给你的产业,并把 你的怜悯与平安,赐给你的百姓作为堡垒。

Holy O Immortal, bless Your inheritance, and may Your mercy and Your peace, be a fortress unto Your people.

圣哉圣哉 圣哉 万军之耶和华 啊 天上和地下都充满了 你的荣耀和尊 贵。

Holy holy, holy O Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are full of, Your glory and Your honor.

当他们说“哈利路亚”时,天上的都跟着他们说 ,“圣哉阿们,哈利路亚,愿荣耀归于我们的神。”

And when they say "Alleluia", the heavenly follow them saying, "Holy Amen Alleluia, glory be to our God."

众天军们啊 ,和 所有天上的众民 请为我们代求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Intercede on our behalf, O angelic hosts, and all the heavenly multitudes, that He may forgive us our sins.


Apostles Doxology

我们的主耶稣基督拣选了他的使徒 他们分别为 彼得安得烈,约翰和雅各。

Our Lord Jesus Christ, has chosen His apostles, who are Peter and Andrew, and John and James.

腓力和马太,巴多罗迈和 多马 亚勒腓的儿子雅各 和 激进派的西门 。

Philip and Matthew, Bartholomew and Thomas, James the Son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Canaanite.

达太和 马提亚 ,保罗,马可和路加,还有其他跟从了,我们救主的门徒们。

Thaddaeus and Matthias, Paul Mark and Luke, and the rest of the disciples, who followed our Savior.


Matthias was chosen, instead of Judas, and was counted with the rest, who followed the Master.


Their voices went forth, onto the face of the whole earth, and their words have reached, the ends of the world.

我的前辈和使徒教父们 ,还有七十二 位 门徒们,请为我们向主祈求,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my masters and fathers the Apostles, and the seventy two disciples, that He may forgive us our sins.

圣马可 的颂歌

St. Mark Doxology

我们的教父马可啊 ,使徒和传道人 你是 神独生子的受难 和死亡的 见证 人 。

Our father Mark the Apostle, and the evangelist, the witness to the passion, of the only begotten God.

你来到了我们 的 身边 并 照亮了我们, 藉着你的福音书,使我们领悟了圣父,圣子和圣灵。

You have come and enlightened us, through your Gospel, and taught us the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

你带我们走出了黑暗并进入了光明 又以从天上降下来的,生命的粮滋养了我们。

You brought us out of the darkness, into the true Light, and nourished us with the Bread of life, that came down from heaven.


All the tribes of the e arth, were blessed through you, and your words have reached, the end of the world.

向你 致敬 殉道士啊 向传道人 致敬 向 神 的 守望 者 我们的教父 使徒马可 致敬 。

Hail to you O martyr, hail to the evangelist, hail to the apostle, our father mark the beholder of God.

请为我们向主祈求,神的守望者和福音传道者,我们的教父使 徒马可,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O beholder of God and evangelist, our father Mark the Apostle, that He may forgive us our sins.


St. George Doxology

圣乔治在 整整的七年里,每天都遭受着,七十位暴君的审判。

Saint George has completed, seven whole years, while he was judged daily, by seventy lawless kings.

他们无法改变他的意念也无法改变他的正信仰,还有他那对基督 王的伟大的爱。

They could not change his mind, nor his upright faith, nor his great love, for Christ the King.

他与大卫同声歌颂说道列国围困着我 我靠着耶和华的名 必要对他们施行报复。

He was singing with David, saying "All the nations encircled me, but with the name of my Lord Jesus, I took revenge upon them.

我的前辈乔治王 子 啊 你的尊荣是多么伟大 啊 因为在天上的耶路撒冷,有基督与你同欢喜。

Great is your honor, O my master prince George, for Christ rejoices with you, in the heavenly Jerusalem.

向你 致敬 殉道士 啊 向勇敢无畏的英雄 致敬 ,向英勇奋战的前辈,我的乔治王 子 致敬 。

Hail to you O martyr, hail to the courageous hero, hail to the struggle mantled, my master prince George.

英勇奋战的殉道士啊 我的前辈乔治王 子 请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyr, my master prince George, that He may forgive us our sins.

绍特彼的圣 希欧多尔的颂歌

St. Thedore of Shotep Doxology

我们的主耶稣基督曾向拿因寡妇的泪水,动了怜悯之心, 他使她的儿子复活了。

Our Lord Jesus Christ, was compassionate to the tears, of the widow of Nain, He raised her son.

希欧多尔将军啊住在 伊维黑托斯当地的,世世代代的百姓,都看到了你强大的力量。

Every generation of men, who lived in the land of Euchita, saw your great strength, O martyr Theodore.

当你束紧腰的时候 你杀掉了巨龙 就是孩子们的索命者,你救出了寡妇的儿子们。

At the time you girded your loins, and killed the dragon, the destroyer of young children, you rescued the wido w’s sons.

你藉着信作为盔甲,又以圣灵作为宝剑,从而击杀了撒旦, 穷凶极恶的巨龙。

You slew Satan, the great and evil dragon, through the breastplate of faith, and the sword of the Holy Spirit.

希欧多尔将军,你是 公义的奋斗者,又是勇猛的战士,和刚强的胜利者。

Theodore the General, the righteous struggler, the good fighter, and the strong victor.

在他身上他 应验了,先知所说的话,“你践踏了毒蛇,还有妖怪。”

He who upon him was fulfilled, the prophetic word, saying: “you trampled upon a serpent, and a basilisk.”

向殉道士 致敬 向勇敢无畏的英雄 致敬 ,向英勇奋战的希欧多尔将军 致敬 。

Hail to you, O martyr, hail to the courageous hero, hail to the struggle mantled, Theodore the General.

英勇奋战的殉道士啊,希欧多尔将军, 请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyr, Theodore the general, that He may forgive us our sins.


St. Thedore the Oriental Doxology


You are the victorious lion, in the midst of the wars, upon the screaming horse, O Theodorus the oriental.

你的声音一传出,野蛮人都被扑倒,还有 你 那些连魔鬼,都感到惧怕的仇敌们。

And when your voice came forth, the Barbarians fell, and your evil enemies, which are the devils feared.


You slaughtered the dragon, who was under the ladder, you completed your struggle, with unbending uprightness.

你与你的两个朋友利奥提尤斯和番尼卡洛斯, 的确是为了基督 而在火海里受的洗礼 。

You were truly baptized for the sake, of Christ in the lake of fire, with your two friends, Leontius and Panikarus.


Therefore David, joyfully honored you, saying "Gird your sword, upon your thigh O mighty one."

东方的希欧多尔 啊 利奥提尤斯和番尼卡洛斯, 请为我们向主祈求 愿他宽恕我们的罪 。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O Theodorus the oriental , and Leontius and Panikarus, that He may forgive us our sins.

圣安东尼 的颂歌

St. Antony Doxology

你们 当从心中驱除 所有邪恶的思想 和虚妄的概念那 会 使你的头脑变得昏暗 。

Take out from your hearts, the thoughts of evil, and the pretentious images, that darken the mind.

一起来思考与领悟,那关于我们蒙福的 教父 ,我伟大的尊长,阿爸安东尼的伟大奇事。

Comprehend with thought, of the great miracles, of our blessed father, my great lord Abba Antony.

他成了我们的导师,和救恩之港, 他欢欢喜喜的邀请你,进入永恒的生命。

This is he who became our guide, and harbor for salvation, he invited us with joy, to the eternal life.

他各样的 美德 如焚香 ,使 我们的灵魂 得了喜乐 ,如同在乐园之中,繁花盛开的香气。

The incense of his virtues, deligh ted our souls, like the blossomed aroma, in the Paradise.

让我们真心地坚定在 伟大安东尼的正 信仰 之 中,宣告并说道:

Let us truly be confirmed, in the upright faith, of the great Antony, proclaiming and saying.


I sought and I found, I asked and I was given, I knocked and I believed, that it will be opened to me.

向我们的教父安东尼隐修主义之光 致敬 ,向蒙基督所爱的,我们的教父阿爸保罗致敬 。

Hail to our father Antony, the light of monasticism, hail to our father Abba Paul, the beloved of Christ.

爱自己 弟子 们 的 ,前辈和教父啊,阿爸安东尼和阿爸保罗,请为我们向主祈求,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O my masters and fathers who loved their children, Abba Antony and Abba Paul, that He may forgive us our sins.

阿爸诺菲尔(圣 欧诺弗瑞尤斯) 的颂歌

Abba Nopher (St. Onnophrius) Doxology

那令人惊奇的事,就是这个义人的生活,蒙受基督拣选的,把神穿在身上的, 阿爸诺菲尔 。

Something amazing, that is the life this righteous man, the chosen of Christ, the Spirit bearer, Abba Nopher.

为了神的荣美的缘故, 他心甘情愿地接受了,被剥夺一切 ,在 世上的荣耀 。

He was stripped completely, of the glory of this world, for the sake the beauty of God, that which he had accepted inside of himself.

他宁愿选择加入在旷野之中的野兽 ,也不愿活在这虚妄,又 即将完结的世界 的住处 。

He chose to join, the wild animals in the wilderness more than the vain, mansions of this ending world.

他在灵里 顺从了,并在心里默想,那样他就必将过着,永远喜乐的生活。

He submitted in spirit, and thought in his heart, that he would live, the life of everlasting joy.

你的确是蒙福的,我们的教父 圣 ▪ 苦修者 ,爱真羔羊的人由圣灵运送的隐修士阿爸诺菲尔。

You are truly blessed, our father the saint the ascetic, the lover of the true Lamb, Abba Nopher anchorite.

我的前辈,由圣灵运送的隐修士 阿爸诺菲尔,请为我们向主祈求,愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Ask the Lord on our behalf, my master, Abba Nopher the anchorite to forgive us our sins.


The Cross bearers Doxology

所有在 斗争之中 完全了他们的美德 又 同时忍受了 苦难与患难 的义者 他们是这世界不配有的。

All the just who perfected the struggle of their virtues while troubled and afflicted, the world not being worth of them.

他们在旷野、山洞与地洞之中四处漂泊,这些都是对他们 的 信仰与耐心的见证。

They wandered in the wilderness, the caves, and the holes of the earth, these witnesses to them for through their faith and patience.

让我们也 来追随他们奋斗的方式,好让我们能够仰望信仰的创始者和成终者,耶稣。

Let us chase after their struggle way that we may look to the author and finisher of the faith, Jesus.

请为我们向主祈求,在旷野之中得以完全的 十字架的担当者们啊, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O chorus of the Cross bearers who perfected in the wilderness that He may forgive us our sins.


Conclusion of Doxologies

永恒的童贞女, 上帝之母,我们所有人的 夫人 啊, 请从你 所在的最高 之 处 做 我们的守护者 。

Be a watch over us, from the highest where you are, O Lady of us all the Mother of God, the Ever virgin.

请向由你所生的,我们的救主祈求, 带走我们的苦难并赐予我们 从 他 而来 的平安 。

Ask of Him whom you have born, our good Savior, to take away our troubles, and grant us His peace.

向你 致敬 童贞女啊 你是真正的女王,向我们人类的夸耀 致敬 ,是你生下了以马内利。

Hail to you O Virgin, the very and true q ueen, hail to the pride of our race, who gave birth to Emmanuel.

我们信靠的辩护者啊,求你在我们的主耶稣基督 面前牢记我们, 愿他宽恕我们的罪。

We ask you to remember us, O our trusted advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

主啊求你治愈病患,并让 已过世的人 得安息,还有那些饱受苦难 的兄弟 们 ,求你帮助我们。

The sick heal them, those who slept O Lord repose them, and all of our brothers in distress, help us my Lord and all of them.

愿神赐福给 我们,并让我们来赞颂他的圣名,愿赞美他的话, 常 在我们的口中。

May God bless us, and let us bless His holy name, and may His praise continually be, always upon our mouths.

完美无瑕的圣三一,圣父,圣子和圣灵,是配得赞颂的,让 我们 来 敬拜 他 并荣耀他。

For blessed is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the perfect Trinity, we worship Him and glorify Him.


The Fourth Hoos


Praise the Lord from the heavens Alleluia. Praise Him in the heights.

他的众天使 啊,你们要赞美他,哈利路亚,他的众军啊,你们也要赞美他。

Praise Him all His angels Alleluia. Praise Him all His hosts.


Praise Him sun and moon Alleluia. Praise Him all you stars of light.

天上的诸天啊,你们要赞美他,哈利路亚,天上的 众 水啊,你们要赞美他。

Praise Him you heavens of heavens Alleluia. And you waters above the heavens.


Let them praise the name of the Lord Alleluia. For He commanded and they were created.

他下命令造成了它们,哈利路亚,他把它们立定,直到永永远远 。

He has ordered and they were created Alleluia. He has established them forever and ever.

他颁布了法令,永不废去,哈利路亚, 你们要从地上赞美耶和华。

He has made a decree which shall not pass away Alleluia. Praise the Lord from the earth.

巨龙和一切 深处的 哈利路亚,火和冰雹,雪和云雾,还有执行他命令的暴风雨。

You dragons and all the deeps Alleluia. Fire and hail, snow and clouds, stormy wind fulfilling His word.


Mountains and all hills Alleluia. Fruitful trees and all cedars.


Beasts and all cattle Alleluia. Creeping things and flying birds.

地上的君王和万族的百姓,哈利路亚,领袖和地上所有的审判官 。

Kings of the earth and all people Alleluia. Princes and all judges of the earth.

少男和少女,哈利路亚 ,老年人和 幼辈 。

Both young men and maidens Alleluia. Old men and younger.

让这一切都赞美耶和华的名,哈利路亚 ,因为独有他的名被尊崇。

Let them praise the name of the Lord Alleluia. For His name alone is exalted.

对他的 感恩在 天 上和 地 上哈利路亚 ,他使自己百姓的号角得以高举 。

His thanksgiving is in earth and heaven Alleluia. And He has exalted the horn of His people.

他是他所有圣徒的颂赞,哈利路亚,就是亲近他的以色列人 。

The praise of all His saints Alleluia. The children of Israel, a people near unto Him.

哈利路亚,哈利路亚 哈利路亚 。

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

诗篇 149

Psalm 149

你们要向耶和华唱新歌,哈利路亚 ,还要在圣徒的集会中赞美他。

Sing to the Lord a new song Alleluia. And His praise in the congregation of the saints.


Let Israel rejoice in his Maker Alleluia. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.


Let them praise His name in a chorus Alleluia. Let them sing praises unto Him with timbrel and harp.


For the Lord takes pleasure in His people Alleluia. He will raise the meek with salvation.

愿圣徒因所得的荣耀而夸耀哈利路亚,愿他们在床上 极其欢喜 。

Let the saints shall boast in glory Alleluia. And they shall greatly rejoice on their beds.

愿称赞神的话常在他们口中,哈利路亚,愿他们手里拿着双刃剑 。

Let the high praises of God be in their mouth Alleluia. And a two edged sword in their hands.


To execute vengeance on the nations Alleluia. And punishments on the people.


To bind their kings with chains Alleluia. And their nobles with fetters of iron.

要在他们身上施行记录在经上的审判,哈利路亚,这就是他所有圣徒的 荣耀 。

To execute on them the written judgment Alleluia. This glory have all His saints.


Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

诗篇 150

Psalm 150


Praise God in all His saints Alleluia.


Praise Him in the firmament of His power Alleluia.


Praise Him for His mighty acts Alleluia.


Praise Him according to the multitudes of His greatness Alleluia.

要以吹角声赞美他,哈利路亚 。

Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet Alleluia.

要鼓瑟弹琴赞美他,哈利路亚 。

Praise Him with psaltery and harp Alleluia.


Praise Him with timbrel and chorus Alleluia.

要弹奏丝弦的乐器和吹箫赞美他 ,哈利路亚。

Praise Him with strings and organs Alleluia.


Praise Him with pleasant sounding cymbals Alleluia.


Praise Him upon the cymbals of joy Alleluia.


Let every thing that has breath praise the name of the Lord our God Alleluia.


Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Alleluia.


Now and forever and unto the age of all ages Amen Alleluia.


Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory be to our God Alleluia.


Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory be to our God Alleluia.


Sunday Psali for the Virgin

满有权能的主啊,我凭着信,而 用尽全力 讲说, 关于你的伟大慈爱 。

I believe wherefore I spoke, with great strength, about Your great mercy, O Lord of powers.

我满有怜悯的主耶稣求你帮助我 来赞美我的 夫人,那新娘就是你的母亲。

Help me my Lord, Jesus the Compassionate, to glorify my Lady, Your Mother the bride.

事实上,这位童 贞女,充满了尊荣,又受到了极大的赞颂。

For truly, this Virgin, who is full of honor, was greatly exalted.


David spoke of her saying, "The Lord has chosen Zion, He came and dwelt in her, in order to save us."


This is Mary, who brought unto us, the eternal, freedom.

撒迦利亚 曾说过 那金灯台是用金手 而造成的。”

Zachariah has said, "The golden lampstand, which was made, with golden hands."


Isaiah said to us, with a joyful voice, that “She will give birth to, Emmanuel for us.”

这就是耶路撒冷 ,我们神的城, 还有 各列基陆伯,头顶的王位。

This is Jerusalem, the city of our God, the throne of all ranks, of the Cherubim.

以西结做了见证,并启示给了 我们,说:“我看见一扇门,面向东方。

Ezekiel has witnessed, and revealed this to us, saying "I saw a door, to the east.

救主经由其中进入,并 保持着原状,像从前一样 完全地 关闭着。

The Lord the Savior, entered into it, and it remained, thoroughly shut as before."

天下万国都以各自的语言向 上帝之母 ,弥赛亚的母亲颂歌。

All the nations sing, with different tongues, to the Theotokos, the Mother of the Messiah.

贞洁的玛利亚,是义人的喜乐,她的确是, 忠信者的喜乐。

Mary the chaste, the joy of the righteous, and truly she is the joy, of the faithful.


You are the tabernacle, and the ark, which Moses has made, with great honor.

超乎诸天之上,所有的想象,就是这施恩座的,神秘 之处。

Beyond all the thoughts, of the heavens, is this mysterious matter, of the mercy seat.

圣玛利亚啊,充满 了 荣耀 的啊,你贞洁 的荣耀 ,是多么的 伟大。

Great is the glory, of your virginity, O full of glory, O Saint Mary.

你就是贵重 的器皿,和灯台,盛满了福气的,精纯的金香炉。

The honored vessel, and the lampstand, the pure censer, full of blessings.

凡享有尊名的,无形无体的活物,都未能获得,你 至 福的 高度 。

All the high names, of the incorporeal, did not reach the height, of your blessedness.


You resemble the rod, of Aaron, which blossomed and budded, and produced its fruit.

你比基路伯,还当受到极大的称赞,又比和撒拉弗,还配得 尊崇 。

You are exceedingly exalted, more than the Cherubim, and honored more, than the Seraphim.

你生下了神的儿子 我们的神,正如荣耀神那样,我们荣耀他 并 屈膝 敬拜他。

The Son of God our God, you gave birth to, we glorify Him as God, and also worship Him.


He who abides in light, whom no one can approach , revealed His miracles, and you fed Him.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是 美丽的白鸽,充满了智慧的,耶稣基督的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the beautiful dove, full of wisdom, the Mother of Jesus Christ.

充满了 荣耀的 ,又 一身 纯洁的啊 ,我们将要用尽余生来赞美你。

For the rest of our days, we will praise you, O full of glory, and clothed with purity.

怜爱世人的主啊,请以耐心来善 待你的仆人,求你宽恕我们的罪,并接受我们。

Be patient O Lover of Man, with Your servant, and forgive us our sins, and accept us.


Sunday Psali for Jesus Christ

我从内心深处寻求你 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

I sought after You, from the depths of my heart, my Lord Jesus, help me.

为我解开所有罪的枷锁我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Loosen for me, all the bonds of sin, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

愿你帮助我那样我才能获救 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Be a help to me, so that You may save me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

愿你的美善迅速地 临 到我我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

May Your goodness, come speedily to me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

请以你翅膀下的隐蔽处 来荫蔽我, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Overshadow me, with the shadow of Your wings, my Lord Jesus, help me.

在六天之内你创造了 一切的 被造之 物, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

In six days You have made, all the creation, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

一天七次我都要赞美你的名 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Seven times everyday, I praise Your name, my Lord Jesus, help me.

一切的 被造之 物,都荣耀你的名, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

All the creation, glorifies Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

你是统治者,又是掌权者,我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Yours is the lordship, and the authority, my Lord Jesus, help me.

我的神啊,愿你能让我赶快得救, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Make haste O my God, so that You may save me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

天下万膝都在你面前 下拜我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Every knee, bows down before You, my Lord Jesus, help me.

所有不同 的语言 都一起来赞颂你的名 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

All the diverse tongues, together bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Turn away Your face, from all of my sins, my Lord Jesus, help me.

我的神啊求你涂抹我一切的过犯 我的主耶稣基督求你帮助我 。

Blot out O God, all my iniquities, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


You know my thoughts, and You search my depths, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你为我造一颗清洁的心我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Create in me, a clean heart, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Your Holy Spirit, do not take away from me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你侧耳倾听,赶快应许我,我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Incline Your ears, make haste and hear me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Set before me a law, in the way of Your justice, my Lord Jesus, help me.

我的神啊,你的国度才是永恒的国度, 我的主耶稣基督求你帮助我 。

Your kingdom O my God, is an eternal kingdom, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


You are the Son of God, I believe in You, my Lord Jesus, help me.

你担当了这世上的一切罪恶,求你怜悯我, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

You who carries the sins of the world, have mercy upon me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.


Forgive me the multitude, of my transgressions, my Lord Jesus, help me.

所有的灵魂,都一起来 赞颂你的名, 我的主耶稣基督求你帮助我 。

All of the souls , together bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

求你宽容我,不要急于毁灭我, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Have patience with me, do not hasten to destroy me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

一大清早,我就起来赞颂你的名, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Early in the morning, I will rise and bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

你的枷锁是甜蜜 的,你的担子是轻的, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Your yoke is sweet, and Your burden is light, my Lord Jesus, help me.

在拯救的日子里求你应许我 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

In the accepted time, hear me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

你的圣名,是多么的受人敬爱, 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

O how beloved, is Your holy name, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你为我,驱散所有的魔鬼,我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Disperse away from me, all of the devils, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

求你在我里面,种下 你公义的 果 实 我的主耶稣 求你帮助我 。

Sow within me, the seed of Your righteousness, my Lord Jesus, help me.

求你赐予我们真正的平安,并宽恕我们的罪, 我的主耶稣基督 求你帮助我 。

Grant us Your true peace, and forgive us our sins, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

亚当日曲调的上帝之母 序曲

Intro duction of the Theotokeia (Leebon)

每当我们,聚在一起祷告的时候,就让我们 来赞颂 ,我们 主耶稣的名 。

And whenever we, gather for prayer, let us bless the name, of my Lord Jesus.

我的主耶稣我们赞美你求你 藉着你的名 来 拯救我们因为 我们 对你有 盼望 。

We bless You, O my Lord Jesus, deliver us through Your name, for we have hope in You.

让我们来赞美你与你美善的圣父和圣灵 因为你 已经复活了(或来 到 了) 并 救赎了我们。

That we may praise You, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.

愿荣耀归于圣父圣子和圣灵 从今时 直到永永远远,阿们。

Glory be to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto, the age of all ages Amen.


The Sunday Theotokeia


The First Part

在妇女之 中,蒙神赐福的啊,你被称为是公义的,第二间会幕。

You are called righteous, O blessed one, among women, the second tabernacle.


Which is called, the holy of holies, wherein are the tablets, of the covenant.

神用指头,把那 十诫,写在了 上面 。

Whereupon is, the ten commandments, these which are written, by the finger of God.


They have directed us, to the Iota, the name of salvation, of Jesus Christ.

他籍着你,道成了 肉身,没有任何改变, 又 成为了新约的中保。

Who was incarnate, of you without change, and became the Mediator, of a new covenant.


Through the shedding, of His holy Blood, He purified the faithful, to be a justified people

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God, the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

谁能表达出,那会幕的荣光就是摩西,在西奈山上所造成 的。

Who can speak of, the honor of the tabernacle, which Moses had made, on Mount Sinai.


He made it with glory, as commanded by the Lord, according to the patterns, shown unto him.

在那会幕里,亚伦和他的儿子们,事奉 了 天上事物的模型,和影子。

Therein Aaron, and his sons served, the example of the highest, in the shadow of the heavenly ones.


They likened it to you, O Virgin Mary, the true tabernacle, wherein dwelt God.


Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Second Part


The ark overlaid, roundabout with gold, that was made, with wood that would not decay.

那预先宣告的是,神的道 立约的记号,他成为 了 人,而没有分离。

It foretold the sign, of God the Word, who became man, without separation.

一个本性出来两个,一个是圣洁的神性,与圣父 本 质同一,并永不衰朽。

One nature out of two, a holy divinity, co essential with the Father, and incorruptible.

一个是圣洁的人性,按照神的安排, 受 生而非藉着人的后裔,与我们本质相同。

A holy humanity, begotten without seed, co essential with us, according to the Economy.

纯洁无暇的啊,他是从你腹中取出的,他使他与自己为一,作为一个 同一本性的 位格。

This which He has taken, from you O undefiled, He made one with Him, as a hypostasis.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


All the souls together, of the children of Israel, brought offering unto, the tabernacle of the Lord.


Gold and silver, and precious stone, purple and scarlet, and fine linen.


And they made an ark, of wood that would not decay, overlaid with gold, within and without.


You too O Virgin Mary, are clothed with the glory, of the divinity, within and without.


For you have brought, unto God your Son, many people, through your purity.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Third Part


The mercy seat, was overshadowed by, the forged Cherubim, from all sides.

那是神的道的一个 象征,纯洁无瑕的啊,他籍着你而道成 了 肉身,却没有任何改变。

Was a symbol of God the Word, who was incarnate, of you without change, O undefiled.


He became the purification, of our sins, and the forgiveness, of our iniquities.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The two golden Cherubim, continually covered, with their wings, the mercy seat.


Overshadowing, the place of the holy, of the holies, in the second tabernacle.


You too O Mary, thousands of thousands, and myriads of myriads, overshadow you.

赞颂他们的造物主,他是 藉着你的腹中 取了我们的样式,只是没有罪和 任何改变。

Praising their Creator, who was in your womb, and took our likeness, without sin or alteration.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Fourth Part

你就是那个,用精纯的 黄金造的罐子,有真正的吗哪, 藏在其中 。

You are the pot, made of pure gold, wherein was hidden, the true Manna.

那吗哪就是,生命的粮,从天而降, 让这世界得着生命 。

The Bread of life, which came down from heaven, and gave life, unto the world.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

你应当 被称 之 为 藏有吗哪的 金罐 子。

It befits you, to be called, the golden pot, where the manna was hidden.

那金罐子,放置在会幕里, 给以色列人,留作见证。

For that was kept, in the tabernacle, as a testimony, to the children of Israel.


Of the good things, that the Lord God, did unto them, in the wilderness of Sinai.


You too O Mary, have carried in your womb, the rational Manna, that came from the Father.


You bore Him without blemish, He gave unto us, His honored Body and Blood, and we lived forever.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Fifth Part


You are the lampstand, made of pure gold, carrying, the ever burning Lamp.


That is the unapproachable, Light of the world, that proceeds from, the unapproachable Light.

出于真神 而为 真神,他籍着你,道成了肉身,却没有任何改变。

The true God, out of true God, who was incarnate, of you without change.

籍着他的显现,他赐光照亮了 我们这些坐在黑暗,和死亡阴影 之 中的人。

By His appearing, He gave light to us, we who sit in the darkness, and in the shadow of death.

藉着他各项圣礼 的 契合 他引导 了 我们走 在 ,平安的道路 上 。

And He guided our feet, in the path of peace, through the communion, of His holy sacraments.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

装有真光的,金灯台啊,天上的各列 等级 ,都无法与你媲美。

All the ranks on high, cannot resemble you, O golden lampstand, that carries the true Light.

那是用精选的和精纯的, 黄金锻造而成 的 ,又被安置在会幕之中。

That was made of, pure and elect gold, and was placed in, the tabernacle.

他们拿来手工,打成的纯橄榄油, 为点灯所用,使灯日夜点着。

That was made, by the hands of men, who brought oil for its lamps, by day and by night.

童贞女玛利亚啊 安居在你腹中的 ,就是那 来到这世上照亮每个人 的光 。

He who dwells in your womb, O Virgin Mary, gives light to every man, who comes into the world.

你所生下的,就是公义的太阳,他 把我们从各样的 罪孽之中,解救了出来。

For He whom you have born, is the Sun of righteousness, and He has healed us, of all our sins.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


The Sixth Part


You are the censer, made of pure gold, carrying the blessed, and live coal.


That is taken, from the altar, to purge the sins, and take away the iniquities.

那就是神的道,籍着你 取 了肉身,并把自己作为焚香,献给了神 他的 父。

Which is God the Word, who took flesh from you, and offered Himself as incense, to God His Father.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.


Wherefore truly, I do not err ,whenever I call you, the golden censer.

在至圣所前,那金香炉里,盛着特选的焚香, 奉上 了 献祭。

For therein, is offered, the choice incense, before the Holies.


Wherein God takes away, the sins of the people, through the burnt offerings, and the aroma of incense.

玛利亚啊你也是 腹中怀着那不可见的 ,圣父的道。

You too O Mary, have carried in your womb, the Invisible, Word of the Father.

为了我们人类得救, 他把自己作为 得蒙悦纳的 献祭,被钉 在 了十字架 之 上。

He who offered Himself, as an acceptable sacrifice, upon the Cross, for the salvation of our race.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

依照圣路加 的福音书

Gospel According to St. Luke

路加福音 2:29-32

Luke 2:29-32

圣哉 圣 哉 圣 哉 诵读的章节 是 来自于我们的导师 福音传道人 圣 路加的福音书 。

Holy, holy, holy, a chapter reading from the Gospel according to our teacher Saint Luke the Evangelist.

愿他的祝福与我们同在阿们 。

May his blessings be with us all. Amen.

主啊,现在可以照你的话,让你的奴仆平平安安地离去,因为我的眼睛已经看见你的救恩,就是你为万民预备的: 他是启示外邦人的光,是你子民以色列的荣耀。

Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples. A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

愿荣耀归于神直到永永远远 。阿们。

Glory be to God forever. Amen.

第七节向玛利亚 致敬

The Seventh Part Hail to you Mary

向玛利亚致敬 ,美丽的白鸽是 你 生下了,神的道。

Hail to you Mary, the beautiful dove, who gave birth to, God the Word.

你是从耶西的根下,开出来的,带着 馨香的 焚香之气的花 。

You are the flower, of incense, that has blossomed, from the root of Jesse.


The rod of Aaron, which blossomed, without planting or watering, resembles you.

没有藉着人的后裔, 你生下了 基督 我们 的 真神 ,还依然是童贞女。

O who gave birth to Christ, our true God, without the seed of man, and remained a virgin.

因此每个人,都赞颂你,我的 夫人 上帝之母啊,是永远圣洁的。

Wherefore everyone, magnifies you, O my Lady the Mother of God , the ever holy.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

圣玛利亚啊你被称为是公义的 ,第二间会幕,就是至圣所 的地方 。

You are called righteous, O Saint Mary, the second tabernacle, belonging to the holies.

那里存 放着 亚伦的杖 还有 那带着焚香之气的圣花。

Wherein is placed, the rod of Aaron, and the holy flower, of incense.

纯净的圣所啊, 义 者 的居所,你从内到外,都身披着纯洁。

You are clothed with purity, within and without, O pure tabernacle, the dwelling of the righteous.

在高处的万军,和众 义人 们,都 荣耀 你,和你的福分。

The hosts of the high standings, and the chorus of the just, glorify you, and your blessedness.

因此我们,以预言性的赞美诗,献上与你, 相配 的赞颂。

Wherefore we, magnify you befittingly, with prophetic, hymnology.


For they spoke of you, with great honor, O holy city, of the great King.

我们恳求并祈求,但愿能藉着你,向 怜 爱世人的主代求,因而获得怜悯。

We entreat and pray, that we may win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

第八 节 一天七次

The Eighth Part Seven times

我们每个人的神啊一天七次 我必 全心全意的, 赞颂你的名 。

Seven times every day, I praise Your name, with all my heart, O God of everyone.


I remembered Your name, and I was comforted, O King of the ages, and God of all gods.

为了拯救我们他道成了肉身 耶稣基督 我们的真神已经来 到 了 。

Jesus Christ our true God, who has come, for our salvation, was incarnate.

他藉着圣灵和纯洁的新娘玛利亚 道成了肉身 。

He was inca rnate, of the Holy Spirit, and of Mary, the pure bride.

把我们的忧伤与 苦难,化为 了 满心 的 欢喜,与 全然的喜乐。

And changed our sorrow, and all our troubles, to joy for our hearts, and total rejoicing.

让我们来屈膝 敬拜他,并歌颂他的母亲,童 贞女玛利亚,美丽的白鸽。

Let us worship Him, and sing about His Mother, the Virgin Mary, the beautiful dove.

让我们一起来以欢喜的声音 颂扬 说 向玛利亚 致敬你 是以马内利的母亲。

And let us all proclaim, with a voice of joy, saying hail to you Mary, the Mother of Emmanuel.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是我们先祖亚当的拯救 ,向……,你是避难所的母亲,向……,你是夏娃的欢喜,向……,你 是千秋万代的喜乐。

Hail to you Mary, the salvation of our father Adam, hail... the Mother of the Refuge, hail...the rejoicing of Eve, hail... the joy of all generations.

向玛利亚致敬 ,你是义人亚伯的欢喜,向……,你是真正的童贞女,向……,你 是诺亚的拯救,向……, 你 是贞洁 的又 未被玷污的。

Hail to you Mary, the joy of the righteous Abel, hail... the true Virgin, hail... the salvation of Noah , hail... the chaste and undefiled.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是亚伯拉罕的 恩典,向……,你是不朽的冠冕,向……,你是圣以撒的救赎,向……,你 是至圣者的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the grace of Abraham, hail... the unfading crown, hail... the redemption of St. Isaac, hail... the Mother of the Holy.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是雅各的喜乐 ,向……,你 是数不胜数的, 向……, 你是犹大的夸耀,向……,你 是上主的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the rejoicing of Jacob, hail... myriads of myriads, hail... the pride of Judah, hail... the Mother of the Master.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是摩西的说教 ,向 你是上主的母亲,向……,你是撒母耳的尊荣,向……,你 是以色 列的夸耀。

Hail to you Mary, the preaching of Moses, hail... the Mother of the Master, hail... the honor of Samuel, hail... the pride of Israel.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是义人约伯的坚定 ,向 你 是珍贵的宝石,向……, 你是爱子的母亲,向……,你 是大卫王的 女儿 。

Hail to you Mary, the steadfastness of Job the righteous, hail... the preci ous stone, hail... the Mother of the Beloved, hail... the daughter of King David.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是所罗门的 挚友,向……, 你 是义人的 高升,向……, 你 是 以赛亚的救赎,向……, 你 是 耶利米的康复。

Hail to you Mary, the friend of Solomon, hail... the exaltation of the just, hail... the redemption of Isaiah, hail... the healing of Jeremiah.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是 以西结的智慧,向……,你是但以理的恩典,向……,你是以利亚的权能,向……,你 是以利沙的恩典。

Hail to you Mary, the knowledge of Ezekiel, hail... the grace of Daniel, hail... the power of Elijah, hail... the grace of Elisha.

向玛利亚致敬 你 是 上帝之母 ,向……,你 是耶稣基督的母亲,向……, 你 是美丽的白鸽,向……, 你 是神儿子的母亲。

Hail to you Mary, the Mother of God, hail... the Mother of Jesus Christ, hail... the beautiful dove, hail... the Mother of t he Son of God.

向玛利亚致敬 ,你 是所有先知们,共同所见证的,和预言的。

Hail to you Mary, who was witnessed by, all the prophets, and they said.

看啊神的道藉着你 取了肉身 ,在你里面,是一种无以言表的 合一 。

Behold God the Word, took flesh from you, in an indescribable.

充满了 恩典的啊,你的确是比,亚伦的杖,还当受赞颂。

You are truly exalted, more than the rod, of Aaron, O full of grace.

那杖是什么,就是玛利亚那是她 贞洁的象征。

What is the rod , but Mary , for it is the symbol, of her virginity.

她没有藉着人,受孕并生产,生下了至高者的儿子, 他 自己的道。

She conceived and gave birth, without a man, to the Son of the Highest, the Word Himself.

藉着她的祈祷和代求 主啊 请为我们敞 开教会的大门 。

Through her prayers, and intercessions, O Lord open unto us, the gates of the Church.

上帝之母啊 我恳求你 保守教会的大门 向忠信的人敞开 。

I entreat you, O Mother of God, keep the gates of the church, open to the faithful.

让我们来恳求她,在她的 爱子面前,为我们代求,愿他宽恕我们。

Let us ask her, to intercede for us, before her Beloved, that He may forgive us.

第 九 节

The Ninth Part

童贞女玛利亚啊,你被称为是 带着 焚香之气的圣花。

You are called, O Virgin Mary, the holy flower, of the incense.

就是那从 族长,和先知的根下,开出来的花。

Which came out, and blossomed, from the roots of th e patriarchs, and the prophets.

就像是祭司亚伦 ,那 支 开出花来, 又结出果实的杖。

Like the rod, of Aaron the priest, which blossomed, and brought forth fruit.

没有藉着人的后裔, 你生下了 道 ,因此没有败坏,你的贞洁。

For you gave birth to the Word, without the seed of man, and your virginity, was not corrupted.


Wherefore we magnify you, as the Mother of God, ask your Son, to forgive us.

第 十 节

The Tenth Part

充满了 恩典的啊,你比所有的圣徒,都配得,为我们代求。

You are more worthy, than all of the saints, to ask on our behalf, O full of grace.


You are exceedingly exalted, more than the patriarchs, and honored more, than the prophets.


And you have a seeking, more special, than the Cherubim, and the Seraphim.

你的确是我们人类的 夸耀也是我们灵魂的 代求者 。

For you are truly, the pride of our race, and the intercessor, of our souls.

请在我们 的 救主面前 为我们代求 愿他 使我们在 正直的 信仰中保持坚定。

Intercede for us, before our Savior, that He may keep us firm , in the upright.

为了 获得怜悯 ,我们 藉着你代求 愿他赐予我们 罪 孽的赦免 。

That He may grant us, the forgiveness of our sins, in order to win mercy, through your intercessions.

第 十一 节

The Eleventh Part

所有声名显赫的,无形无体的 活物 成千上万的天使和天使长们 。

All the high names, of the incorporeal, thousands of angels, and archangels.

身披万军之主的,荣耀的啊,他们都未能获得,你 崇高 的福 份 。

They did not attain, your high blessedness, O who is clothed in, the glory of the Lord of hosts.

你比太阳还耀眼 又比基路伯 ,还光芒闪烁。

You are more brighter, than the sun, and more sparkling, than the Cherubim.

就连六翼天使撒拉 弗,都欢欣喜乐的,旋绕在你的上方。

And the Seraphim, with the six wings, which are joyfully, hovering over you.

第 十 二 节

The Twelfth Part


Your glory O Mary, is higher than the heaven, you are more honored than the earth, and its inhabitants.

你的确是,带领我们,通往诸天 的,真正道路。

For you are truly, the real path, leading up, to the heavens.


You are clothed, with joy and gladness, and girdled with power, O daughter of Zion.


O who was clothed, with the garments of the heavenly, so that you covered Adam, with the garments of grace.

并使他重新回到 乐园 ,那个 充满喜乐的地方,所有义人的居所。

And restored him again, to the Paradise, the rejoicing place, and dwelling of the righteous.

第 十 三 节

The Thirteenth Part

童贞女玛利亚,就是那真正的会幕,有 信实可靠 的约版,安置在其中。

A true tabernacle, is Mary the Virgin, placed in its midst, the true testimonies.

那纯洁无污的约柜,四周包裹着黄金, 还有基路伯的,施恩座。

The undefiled ark, overlaid roundabout with gold, and the mercy seat, of the Cherubim.

那金罐里藏着吗哪,看啊圣父 的道,已经来到了,并藉着你取了肉身 。

The golden vessel, where the manna was hidden, behold the Word of the Father, came and took flesh from you.


The golden lampstand, carrying the true Light, who is the u napproachable, Light of the world.

那金香炉,装着烧红的炭,和富 有馨香 之 气的,精选的焚香。

The golden censer, carrying the live coal, and the chosen incense, with a rich aroma.

亚伦那支,开了花 的杖 还有 那带着 焚香之气的圣花。

The rod of Aaron, that blossomed, and the holy flower, of the incense.


All these together, direct us to, the miraculous Birth, O Virgin Mary.

第 十 四 节

The Fourteenth Part


You decorated our souls, O Moses the prophet, by the honor of the tabernacle, which you have adorned.


The first tabernacle, which Moses had made, was the place of the forgiveness, for the children of Israel.


He made it with glory, as commanded by the Lord, and according to the patterns, shown unto him.


There was an ark, in the tabernacle, overlaid with gold, from within and without.

在那会幕里,有一个施恩座,还有黄金 锻造 的基路伯,终日地遮蔽着它。

There was a mercy seat, in the tabernacle, and the golden Cherubim, overshadowed it.


There was a golden pot, in the tabernacle, and a measure of the manna, was hidden in it.


There was a golden lampstand, in the tabernacle, and the seven lamps, shone upon it.


There was a golden censer, in the tabernacle, and the chosen aloe, was in its midst.

在那会幕里,有一支 带着焚香之气的花,整个以色列家,都闻到 了 那香的味道。

There was a flower of incense, in the tabernacle, smelled by all, the house of Israel.

在那会幕里,有亚伦那 支从未栽种和浇灌,却开出花来的杖。

There was the rod of Aaron, in the tabernacle, this which has blossomed, without planting or watering.

在那会幕里有一张 金桌子,还有陈设饼,摆放在上面。

There was a golden table, in the tabern acle, and the oblation bread, was placed upon it.

在那会幕里,有一位大祭司,为人们 各样 的 罪孽,奉上献祭。

There was a high priest, in the tabernacle, offering sacrifices, on account of the people’s sins.

每当全 能的神 闻着馨香的味道 他就 举起 了 人们 各样 的罪孽 。

When the Pantocrator, smelled the aroma, He lifted up the sins, of the people.

藉着玛利亚约阿希姆的女儿 ,我们领悟了 那让 罪得赦免的真献祭。

Through Mary, the daughter of Joachim, we learned of the true Sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sin.

第 十 五 节

The Fifteenth Part


Who can speak of, the honor of the tabernacle, which was decorated, by the prophet.


When the chosen scholars, of the holy books, saw it, they were greatly amazed.

他们以 明亮 的 头脑思考,并通过圣书,作出了诠释。

They thought, with their bright minds, and explained it, through the holy books.


They called Mary, the daughter of Joachim, the true tabernacle, of the Lord of hosts.


They likened the ark, to the Virgin, and its chosen gold, to her purity.

他们把童贞女 ,比作施恩座还有荣耀的基路伯, 终日遮蔽着她。

They likened the mercy seat, to the Virgin, and the Cherubim of glory, overshadowing her.

他们把那金罐子,比作童贞女, 还把那细亚的吗哪比作我们的救主。

They likened the golden pot , to the Virgin , and the measure of the manna manna, to our savior savior.

他们把那金烛台,比作教堂, 还把那七个灯盏,比作那七 个 级别。

They likened the golden candlestand, to the Church, and the seven lamps, to its seven orders.

他们把那金香炉 ,比作 童贞 女,还把装在里面的沉香 , 比作以马内利 。

They likened the golden censer, to the Virgin, and its aloes, to Emmanuel.

他们把 有焚香之气的花 ,比 作女王玛利亚,还把精选的焚香,比作她的贞洁。

They likened the flower of incense, to Mary the Queen, and the chosen incense, to her virginity.

他们把亚伦的杖,比作木制的十字架,就是为 了拯救我 们,我的主被钉在上面十字架。

They likened the rod of Aaron, to the wood of the Cross, which my Lord was crucified upon, in order to save us.

他们把那金桌子,比作 祭坛,还把那陈设饼,比作我们主的圣体。

They likened the golden table, to the altar, and the oblation bread, to the Body of the Lord.

他们把那大祭司比作我们的救主 为了 让 我们罪 得赦免,他献上了真正的献祭。

They likened the high priest, to our Savior, the true Sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins.

为了我们人类 得救, 他把自己作为 得蒙悦纳的 献祭,被钉 在 了十字架 之 上。

He who offered Himself, as an acceptable sacrifice, upon the Cross, for the salvation of our race.

他美善的父,到了黄昏的时候, 在各各地 闻了他的香气 。

His good Father, smelled Him, in the evening, on Golgotha.

他打开了,乐园 的大门,又再次恢复了,亚当原来的职权。

He opened the gate, of Paradise, and restored Adam aga in, to his authority.

藉着玛利亚约阿希姆的女儿 ,我们领悟了,那让罪得赦免的真献祭。

Through Mary, the daughter of Joachim, we learned of the true Sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins.


And we too, hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

第 十 六 节

The Sixteenth Part

主啊万神之中有谁像你呢你是施行 神 迹的 真正的神 。

Who is likened unto You, O Lord among the gods, You are the true God, the Performer of miracles.

你向人类显露了你的权能又以 你的臂膀 拯救了你的百姓 。

You revealed Your power, to the people, and You saved Your people, with Your arm.


You descended into Hades, and brought up, those who were captives, in that place.

你已经复活了并拯救了我们 ,作为 一个美善 的神 ,你又 一次 赐予了我们 自由 。

And granted us again, the freedom, as a goo d God, for You have risen and saved us.

第 十 七 节

The Seventeenth Part

基督我们的神,已经从死里复活了,他是那些已 过世之人的,初熟的果实。

Christ our God, has risen from the dead, He is the first fruit, of those who departed.


He appeared to Mary, Magdalene, and spoke to her, and likewise said.


TellMy brethren, to proceed, to Galilee, and there they will see Me.

因此玛利亚跑去门徒们那里 告诉 他们她已经看见主了,是主这样吩咐她的。

So Mary came forth, to the disciples, and told them she had seen the Lord, and that He told her so.

第 十 八 节

The Eighteenth Part

确切地说那真是圣徒 圣抹大拉的玛利亚的, 格外 挂心。

Truly indeed, it was good caring, of the Saint Mary, Magdalene.

在一周的,头一天,她来到墓穴 前,热心地寻求主的复活。

She came to the grave, on one of the Sabbath days, seeking earnestly, the Resurrection of the Lord.

她看见天使坐在石头上,并宣告说 ,“他不在这里,他已经复活了。”

She saw the angel, sitting on the stone, proclaiming and saying, "He is risen He is not here."


Wherefore we glorify Him, proclaiming and saying, "Blessed are You O my Lord Jesus, for You have risen and saved us."


Conclusion of Adam Theotokeias


Your mercies O my God, are countless, and exceedingly plenteous, are Your compassion.

每一滴雨露,你都心中有数,就连 海边的沙尘,也都尽在你眼前。

All the rain drops, are counted by You, and the sand of the sea, is before Your eyes.

更何况是我 灵魂中的诸多罪孽呢,我的主啊,这一切都瞒不过你。

How much more are, the sins of my soul, manifest before You, O my Lord.

我的主啊求你不要 牢记,我的过犯,也不要归罪于我。

The sins that I have committed, do not remember my Lord, and do not count, my iniquities.

你拣选了那税吏,又 救了那淫妇,我的主啊,就连右边的强盗你也没有忘记。

For You have chosen the publican, and the adulteress You have saved, and the right hand thief, my Lord You have remembered.


And me too, the sinner, teach me O my Master, to offer repentance.

你不愿罪人死去,而宁愿他回转 ,好让他的灵魂,得永生。

For You do not desire, the death of a sinner, but rather that he retur ns, and that his soul may live.

神啊,求你使我们重获 你的救恩,并照着你的美善,来厚 待我们。

Restore us O God, to Your salvation, and deal with us, according to Your goodness.

因为你是美善的又有恩慈的 ,请让你的怜悯,赶快来到我 们 的 身边。

For You are good, and merciful, let Your compassion, speedily come to us.

我的救主神啊,求你 施怜悯给我们 ,照着你丰盛的慈爱怜悯我们吧。

Have compassion upon us all, O Lord God our Savior, and have mercy upon us, according to Your great mercy.

基督啊我们的上主 ,还记得你曾在我们当中,这样宣告说:

Remember those, O Christ our Master, be among us, and proclaim and say.


My peace I, give to you , the peace of My Father, I leave with you.


O King of peace, grant us Your peace, render unto us Your peace, and forgive us our sins.


Disperse the enemies, of the Church, and fortify her that she, may not be shaken forever.

以马内利我们的神 现在就在我们当中 与 他荣耀的圣父 和圣灵 。

Emmanuel our God, is now in our midst, with the glory of His Father, and the Holy Spirit.

愿他赐福给我们洁净我们的内心 ,并 治愈我们 在灵魂和身体上的病患 。

May He bless us all, and purify our hearts, and heal the sicknesses, of our souls and bodies.

基督啊我们屈膝 敬拜你 与你美善的圣父和圣灵 因为你 已经 复活了(或来 到 了)并 救赎了我们。

We worship You O Christ, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (risen/come) and saved us.


Introduction of the Orthodox Creed

真光之母啊,我们尊崇你圣洁的童贞女 上帝之母 啊,我们荣耀你,因为 你为我们生下了全世界的救主,他来到了世间并拯救了我们的灵魂。

We exalt you, the Mother of the true Light, and we glorify you, O Holy Virgin Mother of God, for you gave birth to the Savior of the whole world. He came and saved our souls.

基督我们的上主 我们的君王 愿荣耀归于你 ,你是使徒的夸耀, 殉道者的冠冕义人的喜乐 教会的 坚定,罪孽的赦免。

Glory to You, our Master, our King, Christ, the pride of the apostles, the crown of the martyrs, the joy of the righteous, the firmness of the churches, the forgiveness of sins.

我们宣告圣三一同归于一个神性。我们 屈膝 敬拜他并 荣耀他。求主怜悯,求主怜悯,求主赐福。阿们。

We proclaim the Holy Trinity, in One Godhead. We worship Him. We glorify Him. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord bless. Amen.




We believe in one God, God the Father, the Almighty, Who created heaven and earth, and all things, seen and unseen.

我们信独一的主耶稣基督,上帝的独生子,在万世以前为圣父所生,出于光而为光,出于真上帝而为真上帝,受生而非被造,与圣父同性同体,天上地上的万物都是籍他而造成的;他为了我们人类,并为了我们得救恩,从天降临, 因 着圣灵,并从童贞女玛利亚道成肉身,而成为人。

We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not created, of one essence with the Father, by Whom all things were made; Who for us, men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnated of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and became Man.


And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried. And on the third day He rose from the dead, according to the Scriptures . He ascended into the heavens; and sat at the right hand of His Father.


And also He is coming again in His glory to judge the living and the dead, whose kingdom has no end.


Yes, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life Giver, W ho proceeds from the Father, Who, with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke in the prophets.


And in one holy, universal and apostolic church.


We confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

我们盼 望死人复活和来世的生命。阿们。

We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age. Amen.


The Concluding Litany

在每节前重复 3 遍 求主怜悯

Lord have mercy is said three times before every part

神啊,求你 怜悯我们 。

O God have mercy on us.


O God hear us.

神啊,求你 看顾我们 。

O God look to us.

神啊,求你 注视我们 。

O God behold us.

神啊,求你 同情我们 。

O God have compassion on us.

我们是你的百姓 。

We are Your people.

我们是你的创造物 。

We are Your creation.


Deliver us from our enemies.


Deliver us from inflation.


We are Your servants.


You are the Son of God.

我们信靠你 。

We believe in You.

因为你已经 复活了(或来 到了) 并 救赎了我们。

For You have (risen/come) and saved us.


Visit us with Your salvation.


And forgive us our sins.