Daily Reading
Daily Promise
“If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”(John8: 31-32)
The Book of the Seven Coptic Orthodox Prayers.. Read the Agbia now.. or download it to your device.
A Syriac Hebrew word that entered the Arabic language and the plural is masses, masses. The word means sanctification, and it is the liturgy and the anphora, that is, the prayers said during the Divine Mass to sanctify the bread and wine. It also means readings and sacraments. The Mass in its Christian sense is participation in the service of thanksgiving and praise to God with the heavenly forces.
Holy Bible
This name is given to the collection of divine books written by holy people of God, guided (guided) by the Holy Spirit, which make up the Old and New Testaments, consisting of 73 books – 46 Old Testament and 27 New Testament (and that is by adding the seven second canonical books)